Chapter 7 Flashcards
What are the three big names in factor modes of intellgence
Spearman, Thurstone, and Guilford
Who came up with the first model of intelligence that stated there was g (general) and s (specific) facets
What was the basis of thurstones model of intelligence
that there were 7 primary mental abilities
Who developed the 3d model of intelligence
What was the firt hierarchal model of intelligence and who came up with it
Fluid and crystalised intelligence by Cattell
Combines fluid/crystallized intelligence (“Gf and Gc”)
developed by Cattell and Horn and three-stratum
hierarchy developed by Carroll
unified theory
____ theory is considered most
comprehensive and empirically supported theory of
cognitive abilities
What was gardners theory of intelligence
information processing model, there were 8 main types, and a potential 9th that he wanted to explore further
Who came up with the triarchic theory and what was it
Created by sternberg. Three main components to intelligence: analytical, creative, and practical