Chapter 7 Flashcards
the direction of consciousness to stimuli; cognitive resources focused on certain aspects of the environment instead of others
global and physiological state on a spectrum from deep sleep to hyper alertness
selective attention *
allocation of attention among relevant inputs, thoughts, & actions while simultaneously ignoring irrelevant or distracting stimuli
top down control
attention given to objects that fulfill behavior goals and learned priorities; voluntary
bottom up control
driven by lower level perceptual qualities of stimuli; involuntary
spatial neglect
tendency to ignore one hemisphere of the visual field or one half of objects due to attention, not vision
voluntary (endogenous)
intentionally attending to something- top down
reflexive (exogenous)
sensory event catches our attention- bottom up activated by salient stimuli
overt attention
act of physically directing our eyes to a stimulus
covert attention
shifting our mental attention without physical/eye movement
dichotic listening
when listening to two different sounds and intentionally attending to one of the sounds, you will still process some features of the other audio
early selection model
model of input selection that suggests stimuli are filtered out before they are processed and analyzed for meaning
Posner’s Cueing Task *
measured influence of covert attention on perceptual processing; experiment that showed that cueing a stimuli significantly decreased reaction time as compared to uncued to neutral stimuli
ERP (event related potential)
elicited by visual stimulus, representing (cortical) stimulus processing, whether it is attended or ignored
biased competition model
model that suggests that all objects in the visual field are competing for attention and bias goes to objects already being attended to and objects that are most relevant to behavioral goals
IOR (inhibition of return)
the delay or suppression when orienting toward a previously viewed object
pop out search
search where the object has just one visual difference; reaction time is constant regardless of set size
conjunction search
search where object has combined features; reaction time increases as set size increases
goal directed (top down) network areas of control
thalamus, pulvinar nucleus, superior colliculus; network of brain areas
DAN (dorsal attention network)
voluntary, top down, attention control
VAN (ventral attention network)
involuntary, bottom up, attention control; salient stimuli