Chapter 13 Flashcards
anatomy of social cognition
MPFC, ACC, inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS), TPJ, amygdala, and anterior insula
social development
social isolation and lack of social play during childhood and adolescence have a negative impact on the neurodevelopment of areas that support social behavior
self-reference effect (SRE)
enhanced memory for information processed in relation to the self
self-reference processing
increases activity in the MPFC
default mode network (DMN)
a collection of distributed brain regions that oscillate coherently at low frequency during a passive resting state when an individual is not focusing on external stimuli; associated with self-referential mental activity
tri-network model
theorizes that everyday tasks require switching between self-related or interoceptive processing and externally directed or exteroceptive processing reliant on the DMN and the central executive network (CEN); switching regulated by salience network (SN)
feeling of body ownership and feeling of spatial unity between the ‘self’ and the body
temporoparietal junction (TPJ)
involved in self-processing and integrating body-related information; key role in feeling of embodiment. Damage to TPJ has been known to affect moral decisions and produce out-of-body experience
mental state attribution theory
we can use implicit knowledge to understand and predict other’s mental states and behaviors; third person perspective
experience sharing theory
we simply observe someone else’s behavior, simulate it, and use our own mental state produced by that simulation to predict the mental states of the other; first person perspective
Theory of Mind (ToM)
ability to understand and infer the mental states of others, including their beliefs, desires, intentions, and emotions; innate and automatic
Sally-Anne false-belief task
reliably pass around 4 years old; measure a person’s social cognitive ability in respect to false-beliefs about others
experience sharing mirror neurons
neural basis of shared experience; understanding actions of others, understanding the intention and emotion of other individuals
pain and empathy
insula and anterior cingulate are activated when one is experiencing physical pain in oneself, as well as during perception of physical pain in others
superior temporal sulcus (STS)
important for inferring mental states from eye-gaze direction
autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
hyperconnectivity within the frontal cortex; atypical lateralization in the brain associated with weaker left-hemisphere and stronger right-hemisphere activity
ToM and ASD
in people with ASD, Theory of Mind skills do not develop properly; show atypical patterns of eye gaze in face processing and misjudge the intensity of complex emotions
abnormalities in the function of DMN; no change in activation between ‘rest’ and doing active task