Chapter 7 Flashcards
Design Thinking
human centred approach to innovation to bring together what people need with what is technologically and economically feasible
Design Thinking 3 i’s steps and what is focus of chapter 7
Inspiration, ideation and Implementation
focus is implementation
test ideas from ideation with prototyping and experimentation
prove or disprove validity of of an idea and determine if solution is doable and profitable
Desirability Question
What do people need?
Feasibility Question
Can we do it? Is it possible?
Viability Question
Is it profitable or sustainable?
Where is ideal solution of desirability, feasibility and viability
At the intersection of Desirability and Viability
For experimentation what do we focus on out of the 3
focus on Feasibility and then viability
3 tips for experimentation
Clear purpose, achievable, generate reliable results
Hypothesis and example
Assumption that is tested through experimentation and research
example: changing the colour of the “Buy Now” button from green to red will make more people click on it
5 Characteristics of Good Experimentation
- Structure and follow template
- focused on core objective and not testing many things at same time
- believable so can trust what you learn
- Flexible so you can make changes while in experiment if necessary
- Compact so you can quickly learn
Giff Constable’s Truth Curve
Graph Shape
Lowest X
Highest X
Median X
- Believable of Information
- Level of Effort
- Upwards slope, exponential
- Interview
- Live Product and Business
- Task Completion/Usability Testing
One on one conversation and interaction with target customers to obtain insights, fast and inexpensive
Paper Testing
Wireframe, Blueprint or draw product envisioned. Outline vision and spot mistakes before process goes further.
Spread word about business on brochures, social media and communication platforms
Button to Nowhere
You want to add new feature but unsure if customers will click and use it. Test click rate and activity with button to nowhere before making the whole feature
Landing Page
Gauge level of response on website by including a call-to-action page “click here for more information or to learn”
Task Completion or Usability Testing
Watch someone use your product to understand what works and what does not
early and crude version of a product. Build model out of cheap materials for customers to interact with and provide feedback/opinions
Early access, debug flaws, book orders before product development
Customer interfaces with product but technology is going on behind the scenes
Wizard of Oz and example
customer think they are interacting with the product but the real product is you behind the scenes manually providing the service
example is video game or ventureblocks
Live Product and Business and monitor example
Up and running for real. Enough insights and validation to launch business.
Monitor with A/B testing by comparing two product designs correctly
MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
First function and working version of a product ready for release.
What does the Team Collect with MVP?
maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort
Rapid Prototype and example
Quickly created module for visualizing a product or service. Crude Paper or storyboards
Mock-Up and what does it lack?
2D or 3D model that looks like finished product but lacks the right functionality
High Fidelity and example
sophisticated version of mock-up that has enough functionality to allow users to interact with product or service etc app with customer functions
Lego/3D Print
Use lego to create rough simple prototype of ideas
Role Playing or Experiential
Step into shoes of user by capturing emotional experience of testing product or service
Wizard of Oz
Consider prototype with fake functions. Virtual assistant would type response to users
User Driven
Focus on user thinking in prototype, understand their thinking
After prototype, study used to assess feasibility of product/service
thoughts and ideas arranged in sequence in form of drawing and illustrations
Problem solution benefit framework questions
what is the problem the customer is experiencing?
What are you offering as solution to the problem?
How will customer benefit from your offering
Problem solution benefit framework steps
state problem, show solution, show benefit from offering