Chapter 6 The Texas Legislature Flashcards
Turning over public programs to the private sector to implement. Examples: municipalities have often contracted with private waste management companies to dispose of solid waste and the state has contracted with a private firm to operate some Texas prisons
Two years. Thus, a biennial legislative session occurs every other year, and a biennial budget is one that directs spending for two years.
To reallocate legislative seats by adding seats to areas with heavy population growth and taking away seats from areas without growth
The designation of geographic areas that are nearly equal in population for the purpose of electing legislators national, state, and local
Legislative Oversight
The legislature’s supervision of the activities of state administrative agencies. Increasingly, the emphasis of oversight in on increasing efficiency and cutting back management doing more with less
A legislator’s doing favors for constituents, such as troubleshooting or solving a problem
For a legislative body, divided into two chambers or houses
Single-member districts
A designated geographic area from which only one representative is elected
The practice of drawing electoral districts in such a way as to advantage one party or one faction
In a legislative body,the amount of time spent in continuous service in one house or committee
The proportion of the legislature that consists of first-term members because previous members retired, died, or were defeated at the polls
A means by which an individual senator can delay a committee hearing on a bill for at least forty-eight hours
An effort to kill s bill in a legislature by unlimited debate; it is possible in the Texas and U.S. Senates, but not in the House of representatives
Conference Committee
A temporary joint committee of both houses of a legislature in which representatives attempt to reconcile the differences in two versions of a bill
Item Veto
The governor’s constitutional power to strike out individual items in an appropriations bill