Chapter 1 The context of Texas Politics Flashcards
Government restraint, suppression, or regulation of the production of oil and/or natural gas resources, with the dual purpose of conserving the resources and propping up prices
The form of government based on theory that the legitimacy of any government must come from the free participation of its citizens
People’s belief that their government is morally just, and that therefore they are obligated to obey its laws
Federal System
A system of government that provides for a division and sharing of powers between a national government and state or regional governments
Political Culture
A shared framework of values, beliefs, and habits of behavior with regard to government and politics within which a particular political system functions
Moralistic Political Culture
The culture, dominant in the northern tier of American states, in which citizens understand the state and the nation as commonwealth designed to further the shared interests of everyone, citizen participation is a widely shared value, and governmental activism of behalf of the common good is encouraged
Individualistic Political Culture
The culture, historically dominant in the middle tier of American states, in which citizens understand the state and nation as marketplaces in which people strive to better their personal welfare, citizen participation is encouraged when it attempts to create private opportunity and discouraged when it attempts to redistribute wealth
Traditionalistic Political Culture
The culture, historically dominant in the Southern tier of American states, in which citizens technically believe in democracy but do not encourage participation, and government activity is generally viewed with suspicion unless its purpose is to reinforce the power of elites
A system of beliefs and values about the nature of the good life and the good society, and the part to be played by government in achieving them.
A political ideology that believes in reduced government spending, personal responsibility, traditional moral values, and a strong national defense
Laissez faire
A French phrase loosely meaning ‘leave it lone.” It refers to the philosophy that values free markets and opposes government regulation of the economy
Economic Issues
Disputes over government policy regarding regulation of business to protect workers and the environment, and types of and rates of taxes and support for poor people
Social Issues
Disputes over government policy in regard to personal life, such as abortion, sexual behavior, and religion. in public arenas such as the schools
Pseudo Laissez Faire
A phrase referring to the tendency of entrepreneurs to oppose government involvement in the economy at the general philosophical level, but to seek government assistance for their particular business
Is a political ideology that believes in cultural diversity, government programs, public intervention in the economy, and individual moral choices
An alternative way of labeling the political ideology also known as “liberalism”