chapter 6 Social perception, attributions, and perceived fairness Flashcards
social perception (Y)
the process through which we use available information to form impressions of others
schema (Y)
Organized patterns of thoughts or behaviors to help us quickly interpret and process information
stereotype (Y)
a dysfunctional schema that is essentially an oversimplified schema for a group of people
stereotyping (Y)
forming oversimplified beliefs about an individual or a group based on the idea that everyone in that particular group will behave the same way
categorization (Y)
our tendency to put things into groups or categories
selective perception
selectively interpreting what we see based on our interests, expectations, experience, and attitudes
halo effect
forming a general impression about something or someone based on a single (typically good) characteristic
contrast effect
evaluating a person’s characteristics through comparisons with other people we have recently encountered who rank higher or lower on the same characteristics (看到什么东西都比一比,有个定位)
attributing our own characteristics to other people (别人都和我一样)
implicit personality theoties
assumption about how personality traits are related (自己心中的一套山寨人格理论,谁怎么怎么样了,就一定也怎么怎么样)
self-fulfilling prthecies
when expectations create behaviors that cause the expectations to come true
attribution (归因)
how people explain the cause of their own as well as other people’s behaviors and achievements
self-serving attribution
attributing our successes to ourselves and our failures to external factors (成功都是因为自己,失败都是因为别人)
fundamental attribution error
our tendency to underestimate the impact of external factors and overestimate the impact of internal factors in explaining other people’s behavior (把别人的行为过多地归咎于内因,而忽视了外因)
defensive attribution
explanations for negative outcomes, such as tragic events, that helps us to avoid feelings of vulnerability and mortality. (为了自我防御而产生的解释,例如:未来会越来越好的,悲剧是不会发生在我身上的……)
organizational fairness (Y)
employees’ perceptions of organizational events, policies, and practices as being fair or not fair
distributive fairness (Y)
the perceived fairness of the outcome received (结果公平)
equity norm (按劳分配)
people are rewarded based on their relative level of contributions
procedural fairness (Y)
perceptions of the fairness of the policies and procedures used to make decisions
instrumental voice (Y)
when the comments a person makes may influence the decision being made.
non-instrumental voice (Y)
when a person’s comments will have not bearing on the outcome
interactional fairness (Y)
whether the amount of information about the decision and the process was adequate, and the perceived fairness of the interpersonal treatment and explanations received during the decision-making process. (信息和对待人方面是否公平)
interpersonal fairness (Y)
the degree to which people are treated with politeness, dignity, and respect by authorities or third parties involved in executing procedures or determining outcomes. (待人以应有的尊重)
informational fairness (Y)
the extent to which employees receive adequate information and explanations about decisions affecting their working lives (信息公平)
the expectation that another person will not take advantage of us regardless of our ability to moniotor or control them