chapter 6 self esteem and social needs Flashcards
an evaluation of estimate
natural tendencies or capabilities,
the state of functioning independently
defense mechanism in which a substitution of some type provides temporary relief from the discomfort of an unmet need, but does not actually satisfy the need
tendency to be like others, to observe the conventions of the group
tendency to be like others, to observe the conventions of the group
martyr complex
psychological condition in which a person derives satisfaction from being taken advantage of by another person
concern for anther person, especially one who is experiencing illness, trauma, or crisis
Explain Social Needs
physical needs with or without others
doing things with people help to enjoy, need people to fully enjoy
social emotional, psychological, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, recreational
satisfying relationships with other people lead to full satisfaction of the social/emotional needs
Compare Self Concept and Self Esteem
self-concept is all the things a person thinks are true about self, mental image of me
realistic self-concept
thinks of self in terms that are consistent with behavior
beh is not always an acdurate indicator of a person’s values and beliefs
public self/private self
the self revealed to others is inconsistent with private self - the self known only to the individual
self concepts that are idealized or self-derogatory
unrealistic self-concept - goals not achievable, self derogatory means overly critical and does not recognize talents and abilities, could settle for goalsless challenging than those she can achieve
how to build realistic self-concept
ask “what is” by appraising strengths, interests, clarifying values, identifying interests
when does self-concept form?
from early age until about age 6, can be modified later in life, with effort over period of time
What affects self-concept
all life experiences
When is self-concept most susceptible to others
adolescence and formative years
how does a positive self-concept develop
when young child has positive experiences and positive verbal interactions iwth important adults, need to hear loving staements, and non-verbal behavior
why is discipline important
extensive influence, if told bad then will believe hes bad
what has influence over adol
peer groups, pressure to conform to groups standards and values, label those who do not conform
why is a strong self-con imp to adol
resist pressures, stand up to beliefs, and try to gain acceptance in peer group
What is human behavior
an attempt to meet a need
What is compensation
compensation does not satisfy a basic need
its a device that provides temporary relief from the discomfort felt when basic social and emotional need is not met
autonomy vs dependence
struggle bw self relieance and dependence
ability to function indep without outside control
can anyone reach complete autonomy
social beings and welfare depends on being in a group
when does aut vs dep reach peak
during adolescence
what happens if unsuccessful in figuring it out
rebellion toward any form of autonomy
self esteem
feeling about self at a given period of time
related to self concept
dif bw esteem and conc
self esteem changes, concept is fixed and est
esteem changes base on neg and pos experiences
influences on self esteem
when does self begin
autonomy or self
begins in toddler stage and cont thru childhood
family and caregivers influence sense of self
self identidy
in adolescence, early childhood
may modify aspects of self concept
any intimate relationship alters
what do you do to get out of neg situ
avoid neg people
be assertive about not accepting neg statements
refuse to play emotional games
learn ways to respond to communications that have neg effect
what does success do
teaches you to believe in your self as a person who can overcome obstacles
failure expectation
failures occur too frequently failures add self-doublt self doubt creates failure expectations failure expectation interfers with performance fail = cycle
success expectation
problem is usally lacking self confidence
self confidence is a success expectatoin
attitude that affects ways to attack a task
how do you build self-confidence?
conscious recognition of successful experience with awareness
what personality traits are helpful in attacking tasks
persistence and determination
how is confidence developed
reasonable amount of succeses and failures
success and performance
succ perf depends on time, sometimes careful and sometimes quickly
developing problem solving skills
- identify the problem
- collect info to help understand it better
- consider and reconsider the problem and rewrite it
- write down every imaginable solution, and the consequences to the solution
- which solution if most likely to lead to desired outcome
- evaluate the outcome
aptitudes and goal
goal that are in line with true interests and aptitudes are more likely to be achieved than goals set for you by soemone else
What is self-approval
goals are challengin, overcome obstacles, and meet gals
Short range goals
stepping stones along the way to longrange goals
intermediate goals
provide inner satisfactin and sense of achievement that help to persist to long range goal
what does satisfying social and emotioanl needs require
self approval and acceptance by others
have to believe others believe you are worth while person
need to see and hear expressions of approval from time to time
need to believe others understand our pov and feelings and proglems
what does satisfying need for accept require
indications of approval from other people
what do friendships require
meet needs
martyr complex
self-sacrificing behavior when someone derives satisfaction from being taken advantage of by others
why do we put up with certain behaviors
bc it meets a need, compensation may be happiening
what is hunger for approval
seeking approval bc deprived of approval in early life
look for compliments - seeking approval
can sincerely offer comfort
failure to offer approval
fail to notice others indifferent to job wwell done see the job is done but not make comment can overcome habit of not commenting deliberately withholding apporval is usually neg response to someone
appropriate use of approval
should be given freely everyday
noticing others and unselfishly expressing approval when it has been earned
acting in accordance with behaviors, belief and values of a specific group
lifestyle choices (dress, foods, sexual behavior)
individuality not valued, perceived as rebellion by group beliefs
dare to be different = excluded
danger of conformity
overly concerned about conformity places at risk of allwoing others to make decisions for you
when is conformity strongest
health care training and standards
approp behav for profes
need to conform to standards and paractices
some conformity is good
military, when in rome
believe people care
more impor to you more need to believe they care
expressions of caring promote strong ties
need for appreciation
we need to believe someone appreciates us by people important to us may be thanks or gratitiude might indicate approval or caring provide sense of satisfaction
absence of appreciation
as harmful as criticism or disaproval
interrelation of social emotional
all behavior is caused, does not just happen
not simple enough to pinpoint one cause
effective and ineffective relations with patients and families
more effective by studying behavior