chapter 2 104 human behavior philosophy of individual worth Flashcards
having an abundance; wealth
cultural bias
a misjudgment about a person or group bc of his or her cultural background or social class
cultural competence
knowledge and skills which enable one to work effectively with inds from various cultural backgrounds
individual worth
the right to be valued and respected as a human being, regardless of personal circumstances or qualities
a theory or set of beliefs held by a person or group that serves as a guide for behavior
a preconceived opinion held without regard for the facts, generalized neg feelings toward a person or group bc of race, sex or subculture
relating to a combination of social and economic factors
a commonly held but unjustified belief
value system
the importance attached to various aspects of living, such as beliefs, ideas, objects or relationships
What is the Philosophy of individual Worth?
belief that everyone regardless of personal circumstances or personal qualities has worth and is entitled to respect as a human being
What does phil of ind worth mean to Health care
quality of service does not vary bc of race, nationality relision, gender, sex orien, age, econ level, occupation, ed, dx or or anything else
consequences for hc if do not accept Phil of Ind Worth
- may interact diff with pt from other cultures etc
2. may be unaware of diff in care providing
how to use phil of ind worth
- treat q pt with respect regard of diff backgrounds
- be aware of own attitudes
- get to know others of diverse back = accpetance
- when people don’t have access to factual info
- believe superstition of culture
- tied into respect of elders,
- beliefs are passed down from one gen to next
Socio economics
all SE classes has own custom and standards of living
value system
interests, expectation
disting with other
how does SE affect hc
- expectations regarding pt beh may be unrealistic
Cultural bias
negative judgments about others based on culture or class members of one group show lack of understanding towards members of another group
Cultural Bias and Poverty
- poverty = routines diff from own
- cleanliness, food, smells, teeth
- normal language use
- med terms may not be familiar
Cultural bias and Affluence
- pt may expect good service
- not struggled as much
- money doesnt protect from pain and accidents etc
- impatience with delays
- dislike interruptions
What do subclasses have
group within larger society
- food preference
- language or slang
- customs and traditions
- beliefs and values
Cultural Competence
degree to which you accept phil of ind worth
-overcome prejudice
what is responsibility in cultural competency
know your role, and within role, serve each pt effectively
- no judgements
- dont allow feeling to interfere with quality of care
what are the two parts of cultural competency
- becoming aware of own beliefs about and attitudes towards other cultures or groups
- accepting other cultures, beliefs, and lifestyles even if diff from yours
how to be culturally competent
- see the situation as they do
- adapt role to needs of pt
- set examples for health habits
- use choice of words for meaning
- sincerity and interest
know yourself means:
- do you feel discomfort or dislike with members of certain group?
- is based on experience or stereotype?
- how will you react to members of this group?
study the situation
- does a pt make you uncomfortable
- why is this pt difficult for you?
- does the pt remind you of someone you dislike or negative past experience?
philosophy of ind worth in practice
- accept pt for how he or she is
- recog reasons for pts behav
- understand motives for beha
- accept pts wont always like you
- learn from each pt
- recognize illness and injury disrupts life no matter who you are
more good practices for philosophy individual worth
- make it a habit to treat each pt with respect
- take every opport to learn
- pts won’t always bhe the way you want
- don’t talk down to pts