Chapter 6 Part 2 Flashcards
Life events =
life experiences = internal or external stimuli that cause changes in people’s lives; they can have positive & negative effects
On-time events correspond to
while off-time events
specific stages of a life cycle
are unexpected
Stressful events are
subjective experiences, due to one’s cognitive appraisal, which is the way in which a person perceives the importance and significance of an event. So, the personal meaning assigned by a person to an event is crucial
Life change units are represented by
a number that indicates the typical stress level or change level assigned by a person to a particular event
The anticipation of an event is
> stressful than the event
For many people, stress =
chronic daily hassles (e.g., regrets over past decisions, worries, loneliness, lack of energy)
Research is needed regarding
the impact on older adults of events that never happen (e.g., never moving to a retirement home but anticipating it and being afraid of it)
Coping =
way in which people respond to stress
Coping styles vary: some are
are > passive, others are > instrumental (e.g., learning new skills to solve problems)
Problem-focused coping =
seeking advice, problem-solving
Emotion-focused coping =
focuses on dealing only with the emotional stress created by a problem (e.g., using alcohol)
Internal locus of control =
belief that a person can control own life = related to successful coping in any age
Defense mechanisms =
unconscious reactions that protect people from things that challenge ones’ identity = can be primitive or mature
Religious coping by older adults is
strong in several cultures
Acceptance of changes =
most adaptive coping response
Successful aging =
a combination of: a) physical health, b) functional health, c) high cognitive functioning, and d) active involvement in society
Robust aging is characterized by:
a) absence of depressive symptoms, b) no cognitive impairment, c) productive involvement, and d) high physical functioning
Depression =
symptoms last > 6 months = most common emotional disorder for older adults (15-25%), can be:
a) unipolar, or b) bipolar (depressed & manic/hypomanic states)
Many role losses
multiply with advanced age
Masked depression =
few mood changes, but > somatic complaints, memory problems & social isolation
Main problem =
lack of criteria for late-life psychopathology