Chapter 6 Part 1 Flashcards
Personality =
a unique pattern of innate & learned:
a) behaviors, b) emotions, and c) thoughts. The 3 of them influence people’s interactions and their responses to the environment
Psychiatric disorders may…
appear for the 1st time in old age
The stressful aging process requires ______; the _______ of the older adult impacts the quality of this coping
coping, personality style
Freud believed that
by adolescence, personality was stable
Erik Erikson (EE) devised
8 psychosocial stages of ego development, believing that personality is affected by human interactions
EE’s epigenetic principle =
there is an innate developmental plan, so that as people mature emotionally & cognitively, they can interact with the environment better
Ego integrity vs. despair =
crisis associated with older age = people must:
a) accept mortality
b) gain perspective & wisdom
c) integrate past experiences in a meaningful way
d) feel that they have achieved “socially successful” aging
e) achieve life satisfaction, usually through good:
1) health
2) marital relationship
3) financial status
4) availability of a confidant
Research shows that generative adults and older adults are more concerned than younger people about:
a) their own children &
b) the young in society
Carl Jung (CJ) focused on ego development =
= the ego goes from: a) extraversion, focusing on externals, to b) introversion, focusing on the inner world as we age
CJ believed in changes in archetypes due to aging =
there are two main archetypes: a) the feminine side of a man (anima), and b) the masculine side of a woman (animus)
Older adults tend to become more ______ to the opposite sex as they age, according to CJ
- Research shows that, as men age,
, they tend to shift from “active mastery” (risk-takers, achievement-oriented) to more “passive mastery” (more expressive & affiliative) & viceversa for women
The “Kansas City Studies of Aging” supports
CJ’s theory on a decrease in gender differences as people age, & shows that older adults usually: a) use more sublimation, b) use less denial, and c) become < impulsive
Levinson focused on stages in terms of life structures =
what people’s life is at a particular period of time, connecting each stage to a chronological age
- Levinson identified four 20-25-yearlong “eras” separated by 5 years transitions during which the self is changing more in order to adapt to new demands
______ theories of personality focus on ______ characteristics of the personality
Trait, Stable
McCrae & Costa have proposed a
5-factor model: a) neuroticism, b) extraversion, c) agreeableness, d) conscientiousness, and e) openness to experience. Each component has 6 subcategories
There seems to be a ________ personality
Universal Adolescent
Older adults:
a) assimilate new experiences into their self-concept and b) accommodate or adjust their self-concept to the new reality (this is > difficult)
Some older adults are
very attached to their old social role, which is related to their self-esteem
Self-esteem is based on
an emotional assessment of the self, while self-concept is the cognitive definition of a person’s identity
Self-esteem usually
< from age 50 to 80