Chapter 6- Panic, Anxiety, Obsessions and Their Disorders Flashcards
What percentage of the US population is affected by anxiety disorders?
25-29% experience it at one point in their life or another. It’s the most common category of disorders for women and second for men.
A general feeling of apprehension about possible danger.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Anxiety disorder characterized by the persistent intrusion of unwanted and intrusive thoughts or distressing images; these are usually accompanied by compulsive behaviors designed to neutralize the obsessive thoughts or images to prevent some dreaded event or situation.
Persistent and recurrent intrusive thoughts, images or impulses that a person experiences as disturbing and inappropriate but has difficulties suppressing.
A basic lotion that involves the activation of the “fight or flight” response of the sympathetic nervous system.
Neurotic disorders
Psychodynamic term for anxiety driven mental health conditions that are manifest through avoidance patterns and defensive reactions.
Panic attack
A severe, intense fear response that appears to come out of the blue; it has many physical and cognitive symptoms such as fear of dying or losing control.
Most Common Anxiety disorders
Specific phobia Social anxiety disorder Panic disorder Agoraphobia Generalized anxiety disorders
Anxiety disorder
An unrealistic, irrational fear or anxiety of disabling intensity.
Persistent and disproportionate fear of some specific object or situation that presents little or no actual danger.
Specific phobia
Persistent or disproportionate fears of various objects, places, or situation, such as fears of situations (airplanes or elevators), other species (snakes, spiders), or aspects of the environment (high places, water).
Blood-injection-injury phobia
Persistent and disproportionate fear of the sight of blood or injury, or the possibility of having an injection. Afflicted persons are likely to experience a drop in blood pressure and sometimes things.
Prepared learning
The view that people are biologically prepared through evolution and more readily acquire fears of certain objects or situations that may once have posed a threat to our early ancestors. For example, people more readily develop fears of snakes and spiders if they are paired with aversive events, then they develop fears of knives or guns.
Exposure therapy
A technique in psychological treatment of anxiety disorders that involves exposing the patient to the feared object or context without any danger in order to overcome the anxiety.
Social phobia
Fear of situations in which a person might be exposed to the scrutiny of others and fear of acting in a humiliating or embarrassing way.