Chapter 6 Movement Flashcards
Nuclei that are unique to the indirect pathway and result in disinhibition of GP interna resulting in increased thalamic inhibition.
GP externa and STN
Direct pathway function
Does the work - promotes movement via D1 receptors
Indirect pathway function
inhibits movement via D2
MOA of ropinirole and pramipexole
D2 and D3 Agonists
entacapone MOA
COMT inhibitor
PD Rx that can cause dyskinesia
dopamine agnosists
Gene implicated in hereditary PD
Tongue protrusion dystonia, chorea, dx by blood smear
Huntington’s disease
chrom 4, AD, CAG
Primary generalized dystonia
chrom 9, DYT1, torsin A, AD
Filipino with dystonia and PD
DYT3, Lubag, X-linked
Dystonia in young girl with diurnal variation and PD
dopa responsive, AD, GCH1 on chrom 14
Episodic Ataxia type 1
HCN1A facial twitching
Episodic Ataxia type 2
CACN1A4 (FH migraine as well), nystagmus and dysarthria
Neurotransmitter implicated in familial hyperkplexia
high arched feet, scoliosis, neuropathy, ataxia, cardiomyopathy
Friedrichs ataxia, GAA, Frataxin on chrom 9, AR
SCA type 3
CAG, AD, ataxia spasticity neuropathy
ataxia with high AFP
Ataxia-telangiectasia and ataxia with oculomotor aprax type 2
Fragile X tremor ataxia syndrome in older individual
grandchild with MRDD, CGG in FMR1 gene, T2 hyperintensities in cerebellum/inferior peduncle
cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis
test for serum cholestanol, ataxia, cataracts and tendon xantomas
eye of the tiger sign (hypointensity surrounded but hyperintensity in the BG
cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis
test for serum cholestanol, ataxia, cataracts and tendon xantomas, chrom 2 27 sterol hydroxylase
Halo sign
hyperintensity in the cerebral peduncles seen in BPAN (beta-propellar protein- associated neurogeneration)
Halo sign
hyperintensity in the cerebral peduncles seen in BPAN (beta-propellar protein- associated neurogeneration)
potential etiology of hemifacial spasm
vascular loop around CNVII
DRPLA (dentatorubro-pallidoluysian atrophy
CAG on chrom 12, asian descent
HGPRT, x-linked
low serum cholesteral and low vit E
spiculated red blood cells
ATP7B on chrom 13
PNKD with prolonged exercise (5-30 minutes potential gene
MOlecular layer of cerebellum
stellate and basket cells (inhibitory)
Granular layer of cerebellum
granule cells and Golgi interneurons
Purkinje cells
GABA inhibitory
Treatment for Episodic ataxia II and III
Treatment for Episodic ataxia II and III
isolated cerebellar dysfunction, GI disease to test for
celiac dz
inability to move eyes without head thrusts
Ataxia-telangiectasias - AR, ATM gene chrom 11, hypogammaglobuinemia
striopallidodentat calcinosis
Fahr’s isease, PKism
REM sleep behavior disorders seen in
SYNnucleinopathies (PK, LBD, MSA
PK, dystonia, choreoathetosis
NBIAs (neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation)