Chapter 6 Memory Systems Flashcards
Encoding Specificity
a cure is more likely to lead to the recall of a partiular item if the cue was initially encoded along with that item
Episodic Memory
storage and retrieval of temporary dated, spatially located, and personally experienced events or episodes (tulving) Does not emerge until 4-6 years old (infantile amnesia)
Semantic Memory
Storage and utilization of knowledge about words and concepts, their properties and interrelations (tulving) Children have these capabilities much sooner
Recency vs primary biases
a tendency to recall experiences from recent past versus a tendency to recall experiences from the relatively distant past
Procedural Memory
underlies learned skills, such as riding a bike, playing musical instrument, or even reading…tacit and explicit knowledge (Anderson)
Tacit knowledge
Knowing how to do something without being able to say exactly what it is that you know (I can ride a bike even though I can’t tell you how to do it)
Explicit knowledge
Knowing that something is the case (explaining how to ride the bike)
non knowing. procedural memory falls under this category of consciousness
knowing. semantic memory falls under this category of consciousness
self knowing. episodic memory falls under this category of consciousness
Prefrontal Leucotomy
(lobotomy) where connections between the prefrontal loves and other parts of the brain were severed - for patients who ruminated excessively about themselves and their problems
Our subjective sense of time
Remembering vs Knowing
remembering for autonomic experiences, knowing for others
Butcher on the bus phenomenon
the feeling of knowing a person without being able to remember the circumstances of any previous meeting or anything else about him or her
Implicit Memroy
memory without episodic awareness; the expression of previous experience without conscious recollection of the prior episode (Schacter)
Method of Opposition
pits conscious (explicit) and unconscious (implicit) tendencies against one another (hard to try not to do something)
Perceptual Representation System
PRS - a memory system containing very specific representations of events that is hypothesized to be responsible for priming effects
Generic recall
Explains the gap or the tip of the tongue phenomenon where we know the word is similar or different in some ways to other words, what it starts with or syllables it has
Teachable language comprehender
a computer program that is a model of semantic memory (Quillian)
Mental Chronometry
Measuring how long cognitive processes take
Moses Illusion
tendency to answer the question how many animals of each kind did moses take on the ark, with two. either because you assume that the person who posed the question meant to say noah rather than moses, or because you didn’t notice the error (similar to, what country was margaret thatcher the president of, with england, even though she was prime minister
Spreading activation
the idea that activation of the paths that make up a semantic network spreads from the node at which the search begins
Lexical decision task
a task requiring participants to determine if a presented string of letters is a word or not - primed words easier because of spreading activation theory
Involuntary semantic memory
a semantic memory that pops into your mind without episodic context (mind popping)
Working Memory
temporary storage and manipulation of information that is assumed to be necessary for a wide range of complex cognitive activities (Baddeley) short term memory
Central executive
Component of working memory that coordinates information from among the three subsystems (visuo-spacial sketchpad, episodic buffer, and phonological loop)
visuo-spacial sketchpad
can interact with long term memory, non verbal information
Phonological loop
can interact with long term memory, linguistic inofmraton
episodic buffer
mechanism that moves information to and from episodic and long-term memory
fluid systems
cognitive processes that manipulate information
crystallized systems
cognitive systems that accumulate long term knowledge
units containing the information underlying our use of a word; the components of the verbal system