Chapter 1 Flashcards
Binary Digits- the most basic unit of information, only two possible outcomes with equal likelihood.
Is not a functional property, it is a state of description
Information Theory
The theory that the information provided by a particular event is inversely related to the probability of its occurence
Filter Model
a theory based on the idea that imformation processing is restricted by channel capacity
Channel Capacity
The maximum amount of information that can be transmitted by an information processing device
‘looking inward’ to observe one’s own thoughts and feelings
Primary Memory
What we are aware of in the ‘immediately present moment’; often termed ‘immediate memory’ or ‘short term memory’
Secondary Memory
Knowledge acquired at an earlier time that is stored indefinitely, and is absent from awareness; also called ‘long term memory’
Brown-Petersen Task
An experimental paradigm in which subjects are given a set of items then a number. Subjects immediately begin counting backward by threes from the number and, after a specific interval, are asked to recall the original items
Ecological Approach
A form of psychological inquiry that reflects conditions in the real world
the potential functions or uses of stimuli (objects and events) in the real world
Information pickup
The processes whereby we receive information directly
An expectation concerning what we are likely to find as we explore the world
Perceptual cycle
The process whereby our schemas guide our exploration of the world and in turn are shaped by what we find there
Cognitive Ethology
A new research approach that links real world observations with laboratory based studies
knowledge about the way that cognitive processes work; understanding of our own cognitive processes
Cognitive Ethology Approach
1) Carefully observe and describe behavior as it naturally occurs
2) Then move it into the laboratory and gradually simplify relevant factors
3) Test to find out whether lab findings predict, as well as explain, real world phenomenon
Folk Psychology
an umbrella term for various assumptions and thoeries based on the everyday behaviour of ourselves and others
Action-perception Cycle
like broadbent model Sensation Attention Perception Action