Chapter 6 Med Ethics Flashcards
Compensatory damages
An amount of money awarded by the court to make up for loss of income or emotional pain and suffering
Neglect, as in neglect of duty
Direct cause
The continuous sequence of events, unbroken by any intervening cause, that produces an injury and without which the injury would not have occurred
Obligation or responsibility
Doing an act or performing a duty
Preforming an illegal act
The improper performance of an otherwise proper or lawful act
Nominal damages
A slight or token payment awarded by the court
The failure to perform an action when it is necessary
Proximate cause
The injury was closely (proximity) related to the defendant’s negligence
Punitive damages
Also called exemplary damages, monetary award by a court to a person who has been harmed in an especially malicious and willful way; meant to punish the offender
Res ispa loquitur
Latin phrase meaning the thing speaks for itself
Res judicata
Latin phrase meaning the thing has been decided
A civil injury, or wrongful act, committed against another person or property that results in harm and is compensated in money damages