prevalence of CAM used
surveyed, those stating they had used any complementary health
method during the past 12 months increased
most common used: nonvitamin, nonmineral dietary supplements
- deep breathing used in adjacent or independently
- Yoga, tai chi, and qigong ranked third
- The fourth highest use was of chiropractic and osteopathic manipulation
- meditation
- accupunture used alot
how much money has been spent on CAM
approximately 59 million Americans spent $30.2 billion out of pocket on
- About $14.7 billion
was spent on complementary practitioners
- About $12.8 billion was spent on natural
product supplements
- about $2.7 billion was spent on self-care approaches
Kaptchuk and Eisenberg 4 major elements
- association of CAM with nature (foods, artificial vs synthetic)
- vitalism - boys capacity to health itself
- science - more person friendly that embrances holism
- spirituality - it bridges the gap between the domain
of medical science and religion or spirituality, allows patients to make connections with nature
why do people seek alternative forms of medical care
- dissatisfied with conventional treatment
- expensive
- impersonal and ineffective
- greater sense of control
- cultural change
- interested in environment and spirituality
- condition not serious enough for a MD
barriers of CAM use
- Expensive / not covered by insurance
- Lack of knowledge
- Skeptical of efficacy
- Fear that CAMs are harmful
- Multibillion-dollar industry & growing
define integrative medicine or integrative health care
bringing conventional and complementary approaches
together in a coordinated way
is healing-oriented medicine that takes account of the
whole person (body, mind, and spirit), including all aspects of lifestyle. It
emphasizes the therapeutic relationship and makes use of all appropriate therapies, both conventional and alternative.
the Organizational Structure of Integrated Medicine and Health
- most located in hospital setting
- can be implemented at doctors officer or clinics
- within a community
- depending what culture
development of wellness programs
wellness programs - where people become more proactive about preventing diseases and taking responsibility for their own actions
- Halbert Dunn was first to develop employee welness programs
development of health promotion programs
- people began to be enthusiastic about the value and benefits of a healthy lifestyle
- People began to investigate ways to make themselves feel better through rest, stress management, exercise, and better eating habits
- two extremely important developments occurred: the
establishment of the NCCIH and the formation of the White House Commission on
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy.
Establishment of the National Center for Complementary
and Integrative Health
NCCIH first created in 1992
- one of the most important milestones that give credence to select CAM practices
- to fund and conduct research about complementary health approaches
The White House Commission on Complementary and
Alternative Medicine Policy
- 2000 president Clinton appointed 20 people to this commission
The commission was to make legislative and
administrative recommendations to aid public policy in ensuring the safety of products
and practices that had been, or might be, labeled “CAM” and to identify potential
benefits for the public
how these changes affected education and teaching in medical schools
- advocating that the education and training of conventional health professionals
should include CAM and that the training of CAM practitioners - teaching students CAM practices and having at least one course in med school that targets it
How Do Practicing Physicians View CAM?
- increasing awareness as many physicians are referring patients to CAM specialists
- incorporating in treatment
- understanding that medication is not the only treatment method
The Affordable Care Act
- mandates that certain licensed health care practitioners such
as massage therapist and acupuncturists should not be discriminated against - Act does not require that the insurance company is mandated to cover the payment.
insurance coverage for CAM
- program that medicare agreed to cover is Dr Dean Ornish lifestyle program
- incurance companies are being more aware and implementing it
- usually for canada does cost out of pocket or certain deductible
- integrative medicine IS cost effective
What Should Consumers Keep in Mind When Using
Alternative Modalities?
- number and type of traditional and alternative practitioners should be identified
- should learn the academic backgrounds of physicians and therapists
- do own research
- ask your own health professional
- be an informed consumer of both traditional and alternative
what is acupuncture
A traditional Chinese medicine treatment that uses stainless steel
needles at specific points in the body to increase the flow of life energy known as Qi or
what is biofeedback
The technique used to train people to control their own involuntary body
processes such as heart rate, respirations, and even brain waves. It requires watching a
monitor of some sort in order to change the rate using mental control
Qigong A type of energy therapy that uses movement, breathing techniques, and
meditation to enhance and move Qi throughout the body. This is purported to
improve health and overall life energy
Bravewell Collaborative
Founded in 2002 by a small group of leading philanthropists
dedicated to transforming the culture and delivery of health care and improving the health of the public through integrative medicine.
Transcendental Meditation (TM)
A technique wherein people repeat a phrase to
help themselves relax during medication