what is homeopathy
homeo = same pathy = suffering/disease
- Homeopathy is a holistic and natural system of healing that aims to prevent illness as well as treat it
- based on the idea that “like cures like”
who invented homeopathy
Samuel Hahnemann
- in the 18th/19th century
history of homeopathy
- began to dilute substances such as herbs, minerals, and animal extracts in an alcohol–water solution
- more he diluted, less side effects
- shaking is necessary: releases stores of vital energy
3 essential principles of homeopathy
- The principle of similars: Like cures like
- The principle of infinitesimal dose: The more diluted the dose, the more potent its curative effects.
- The principle of specificity of the individual: If the remedy is to cure, it must
match the symptom profile of the patient.
what do homeopaths believe
Homeopaths believe that the energy or vibrational pattern
from a homeopathic substance that is contained in the solution stimulates healing by activating the vital force,
what forms do remedies come in
tablets, powders, wafers and liquids in an alcohol based
- found as over the counter products
- allows for self treatment of minor conditions (flu, headache, sore throat)
mother of tincture
occasionally shaken and strained
- diluted by a factor of 10 (2x), then again by a factor of 10 (3x) and again by a factor of 10 (4x)
- more potent, more dilute
- high diluting scales, can go up to 30C
- extraction of a suitable source, namely plant or animal substance material
example: a 4C solution
some solutions are diluted by 100 at each stage and use a C scale
4C solution (C = roman numeral 100)
one part of mother tincture is diluted with 99 parts of water
- dilution factor is the 100 or a 1C remedy
- repeatedly diluted by a factor of 100, leadign to 2C,3C and 4C solutions
if homeopathy is given to a not sick person what happens
if they are well = the substances are supposed to cause ilness
given dilated doses to a sick person = substances are thought to cure illness
ex. treating someone with diarrhea
instead of giving them substances that cause constipation would give a minute dose of a substance that in a stronger preparation would CAUSE diarrhea
how safe are homeopathic remedies
- generally safe, unlikely to cause severe side effects
- no adverse effects from alcohol levels
- not found to interfere with conventional drugs
health conditions treated by homeopathy
sore throat
digetsive disorders
sleep disturbances
arsenicum album
targets: anxiety disorders and panic attacks, chrons disease, influenza
- dilution of arsenic made from seperation of metals
5 essential steps to prescribe remedy
- note the symptoms
- look up the symptoms
- decide which remedy is appropriate
- decide dosage and how often to repeat
- evaluate results
what does the whole person should be studied mean
- temperament, personality, emotional and physical responses before prescribing a homeopathic remedy
- genetic, personal health history and body type should be considered
usage of homeopathy
- approx 3.9 million adults
- 900,000 children in the past year
- increase to 5.04 million adults
- overall RISING
what does the NCCIH say about homeopathy
- difficult to study using current research, not enough evidence for any condition
freeman and lawlis
studies to determine weather homeopathy was significantly better than the placebo effect
meta analysis of the studies on allergies and dust mites showed that
homeopathic remedies were reported to be more effective than placebo
homeopathic materia medica
book that lists remedies, and exhaustive lists of symptoms associated with those remedies
homeopathic licence and certification
none in the states
- often liscenced as a MD or osteopathic and allowed to employ homeopathy within their practice
specificity of the individual
poorer the match of symptoms = lower the dilution (more medication is given)
more precise the match = higher the dilution (less substance is actually given)
unqiue symptoms should be exploited through the
law of similars
- ex. cold example
in homeopathy a key premise is that:
every person has energy called a vital force or self healing response
- when this energy is distributed, or imbalanced health problems develop
regulation in ontario
1869: deregulated
1970: re regulated
2015: regulated again, not nationally
organon of medicine: homeopathy book by samuel hahnemann
- revised only by him and after he died made a clause that no one can edit it after him
- biased towards his point of view and not updated science