CHAPTER 10: Alternative Medical Systems: Naturopathic and Homeopathic Medicine Flashcards
Naturopathic Medicine
medicine is a holistic, whole body health care system based on the belief
that the body has the potential to heal itself and that the physician’s role is to support the body’s efforts
historical development of naturopathy
- began as part of european nature care
- translates to “nature disease”
major beliefs of naturopathy
- disease is a natural part of nature (eg. sleeping poorly, irrational thinking, alcohol, unsafe sex)
- promote health and prevent disease
- the body will heal itself
- germs are not the major cause of disease
- first, do no harm (nontoxic and noninvasive as possible)
naturopaths assess biotype or constitution
to aid in diagnosis because they believe that each type has certain characteristics that are related to the risk of acquiring particular diseases
- ectomorph
- mesomorph
- endomorph
is the examination of the iris or coloured portion of the eye for markings that supposedly reveal changing conditions of every part and organ of the body
- observes layers, colors, markings, ring spots to indicate certain body conditions
Mineral Analysis
may analyze hair for trace mineral content. Testing is performed on hair
that is cut one and half inches from the scalp, and the hair sample is then sent to a laboratory for analysis
- can reveal mineral status and toxic metal accumulation
Bioresonance Diagnosis
Bioresonance is the practice of using an electronic device to measure the body’s
electromagnetic radiation and electric currents.
Kirlian photography
colourful photographs of images surrounding the body and within the body are made after applying high-frequency electrical currents to a patient’s body
what are the naturopathic treatments
- balancing 4 major body systems
- education and counseling
- nutrition
- botanicals and traditional medicines
- energy work, massage, TCM
- hydrotherapy
what are the 4 major body systems
- the immune system
- the elimination (or detoxification) system
- the nervous system,
- the hormonal system.
use botanical medicine (phytotherapy) for treating disease conditions
- vitamins and homepathic substances
is the treatment of physical disability, injury, or illness by
immersion of all or part of the body in water to facilitate movement, promote wound healing, and relieve pain
Traditional Naturopath
- no uni degree
- distance learning
- cant prescribe, take tests
Naturopathic Physician
- similar to training of a MD
- basic sciences and naturopathic courses
- clinical experiences
- pass the NPLEX
Prevalence of Naturopathy Use
an estimated 729,000 adults and 237,000 children in the United States had used a naturopathic
treatment in the previous year
- many visit for primary care or to use as alternative/ complementary medicine
Future of Naturopathy
Naturopaths have lower overhead costs and charge patients less than do medical doctors or osteopaths
- in many states covered in insurance