Chapter 6 Flashcards - Alexander Johnson
The process of allotting congressional seats to each state according to its proportion of the population, following the decennial census.
Apportionment is one of the most important functions of the decennial census.
bicameral legislature
A two-house legislature.
Bicameral legislature is distinguished from unicameralism, in which all members deliberate and vote as a single group, and from some legislatures that have three or more separate assemblies, chambers, or houses.
A proposed law.
The citizens of the Confederate Union had a debate over the civil rights bill.
Mechanism requiring the vote of sixty senators to cut off debate.
The cloture procedure originated in the French National Assembly, from which the name is taken.
Committee of the Whole
A procedure that allows the House of Representatives to deliberate with a lower quorum and to expedite consideration and amendemnet of a bill.
The Committee of the Whole includes all members of the assembly, except that some officers may be replaced.
conference committee
Special joint committee created to reconcile differences in bills passed by the House and Senate.
A Conference committee is convened to resolve bicameral differences on major and controversial legislation.
Congressional Budget Act of 1974
Act that established the congressional budgetary process by laying out a plan for congressional action on the annual budget resolution, appropriations, reconciliation, and any other revenue bills.
The Congressional Budget Act of 1974 created standing budget committees in both the House and the Senate, established the Congressional Budget Office, and moved the beginning of the fiscal year from July 1 to October 1.
Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
Created in 1974, the CBO provides Congress with evaluations of the potential economic effects of proposed spending policies and also analyzes the president’s budget and economic projections.
There is a consensus among economists that the Congressional Budget Office has historically issued credible forecasts of the effects of both Democratic and Republican legislative proposals.
Congressional Research Service (CRS)
Created in 1914, the non-partisan CRS provides information, studies, and research in support of the work of Congress, and prepares summaries and tracks the progress of all bill.
As a legislative branch agency within the Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service works primarily and directly for Members of Congress, their Committees and staff on a confidential, nonpartisan basis.
congressional review
A process whereby Congress can nullify agency regualtions within a 60-day window by passing a joint resolution of legislative disapproval. The president’s approval of the resolution or a two-thirds majority vote in both houses to overrule a presidental veto is also required.
Once a rule is thus repealed, congressional review also prohibits the reissuing of the rule in substantially the same form or the issuing of a new rule that is substantially the same “unless the reissued or new rule is specifically authorized by a law enacted after the date of the joint resolution disapproving the original rule.”
Role played by a representative who votes the way his or her constituents would want, regardless of personal opinions; may refer to an elected representative to Congress or a representative to the party convention.
Delegates have powers similar to that of Representatives, including the right to vote in committee, but have no right to take part in the floor votes in which the full house actually decides whether the proposal is carried.
discharge petition
Petition that gives a majority of the House of Representatives the authority to bring an issue to the floor in the face of committee inaction.
Discharge petitions are used when the chair of a committee refuses to place a bill or resolution on the Committee’s agenda: by never reporting a bill, the matter will never leave the committee, and the full House will not be able to consider it.
divided government
The political condition in which different political parties control the presidency and at least one house of Congress.
Those in favor of divided government believe that the separations encourage more policing of those in power by the opposition, as well as limiting spending and the expansion of undesirable laws.
Edmund Burke
Conservative British political philosopher of the eighteen century who articulated the view that elected representatives should act as “trustees” and use their own best judgement when voting.
Edmund Burke also supported the rights of the colonists to resist metropolitan authority, though he opposed the attempt to achieve independence.
A formal way of halting Senate action on a bill by means of long speeches or unlimited debate.
Due to the often extreme length of time required for a successful filibuster, many speakers stray off topic after exhausting the original subject matter.
The drawing of congressional districts to produce a particular electoral outcome without regard to the shape of the district. Gerrymandering may be used to help or hinder a particular demographic, such as a political, ethnic, racial, linguistic, religious, or class group, such as in U.S. federal voting district boundaries that produce a majority of constituents representative of African-American or other racial minorities, known as "majority-minority districts
Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Established in 1921, the GAO is an independent regulatory agency for the purpose of auditing the financial expenditures of the executive branch and federal agencies; until 2004, the GAO was known as the General Accounting Office.
Government Accountability Office exists to support the Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and to help improve the performance and ensure the accountability of the federal government for the benefit of the American people.
Hilary Clinton
First female major party candidate for president of the United States, a Democrat, who ran against President Donald J. Trump in 2016. Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013; New York senator from 2001 to 2009; former first lady.
As First Lady of the United States, Hilary Clinton was an advocate for gender equality and healthcare reform.
A procedure by which a senator asks to be informed before a particular bill or nomination is brought to the floor. This request signals leadership that a member may have objections to the bill (or nomination) and should be consulted before further action is taken.
If the Senator provides notice privately to his or her party leadership of their intent (and the party leadership agreed), then the hold is known as a secret or anonymous hold.
House Committee on Rules
The influential “Rules Committee” determines the scheduling and conditions, such as length of debate and type of allowable amendments, for all billls in the House of Representatives (but not in the Senate, where debate is less regulated).
House Committee on Rules is one of the most powerful committees and is often described as “an arm of the leadership” and as the “traffic cop of Congress.”
The power delegated to the House of Representatives in the Constitution to charge the president, vice president, or other “civil officers,” including federal judges, with “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.” This is the first step in the constitutional process of removing government officials from office.
Impeachment and conviction of officials involve an overturning of the normal constitutional procedures by which individuals achieve high office (election, ratification, or appointment) and because it generally requires a supermajority, they are usually reserved for those deemed to have committed serious abuses of their office.
Already holding an office.
Sophomore surge is said to bring an advantage of up to 10% for first term representatives, which increases the incumbency advantage.
joint committee
Standing committee that includes members from both houses of Congress set up to conduct investigations or special studies.
Joint committees are usually established with narrow jurisdictions and normally lack authority to report legislation.
Vote trading; voting to support a colleague’s bill in return for a promise of future support.
Logrolling means that two parties will pledge their mutual support, so both bills can attain a simple majority.
majority leader
The head of the party controlling the most seats in the House of Representatives or the Senate; is second in authority to the Speaker of the House and in the Senate is regarded as its most powerful member.
While the responsibilities vary depending upon the political climate, the Majority Leader of the United States House of Representatives typically sets the floor agenda and oversees the committee chairmen.
majority party
The political party in each house of Congress with the most members.
Majority party holds a significant percentage of the vote in elections and claim higher membership than minor parties.
A session in which committee members offer changes to a bill before it goes to the floor.
The committee concludes a markup not by voting on the bill as a whole, but by voting on a motion to order the bill reported to the House with whatever amendments the committee has approved.
minority leader
The head of the party with the second highest number of elected representatives in the House of Representatives or the Senate.
During crucial legislation, the minority leader may be consulted by the opposite leader in order to more easily get things passed and ensure that provisions important to the interests the minority party be included.
minority party
The political party in house of Congress with the second most members. A minority party will generally receive very small numbers of votes at an election – frequently losing their deposit as they don’t receive more than 5% of the vote.
party caucus (or conference)
A formal gathering of all party members.
A party caucus is formed from congressional member organizations (CMOs) through the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate and governed under the rules of these chambers.
pocket veto
If Congress adjourns during the ten days the president has to consider a bill passed by both houses of Congress, the bill is considered vetoed without the president’s signature.
Zail Singh, President of India from 1982 until 1987, exercised a pocket veto to prevent the Indian Post Office (Amendment) Bill from becoming law.
An elected representative who acts as a trustee or as a delegate, depending on the issue.
Politico theory emerged as a hybrid of delegate and trustee models of representation in an effort to formulate a theory that mirrors how representatives actually act in government.
Legislation that allows representatives to bring money and jobs to their districts in the form of public work programs, military bases, or other programs.
As pork, the Congress members financed sports company to help sponsor the charity event for new chairs in the presidential hall.
president pro tempore
The official chair of the Senate; usually the most senior member of the majority party.
During the Vice President’s absence, the President pro tempore is empowered to preside over Senate sessions.
programmatic requests
Federal funds designated for special projects within a state or congressional district. Also referred to as embarks.
Programmatic requests allow a Member of Congress to suggest an increase to a program that has already been authorized and funded by Congress.
A procedure that allows consideration of controversial issues affecting the budget by limiting debate to twenty hours, thereby ending threat of a filibuster.
The Congress members stopped the filibuster by using reconciliation to continue the advancement of the bills drafted.
The process of redrawing congressional districts to reflect increases in seats allotted to the states, as well as population shifts within a state.
To reduce the role that legislative politics might play, twelve states determine congressional redistricting by an independent or bipartisan redistricting commission.
Richard M. Nixon
The thirty-seventh president, a Republican who served from 1969 to 1974. Nixon advocated detente during the Cold war and resigned rather than impeachment and likely removal from office due to the Watergate scandal.
Richard M. Nixon was elected to the House of Representatives in 1946 and to the Senate in 1950.
select (or special) committee
Temporary committee appointed for a specific purpose.
The select committee was selected on the affairs of the presidential cabinet as they had the week off.
senatorial courtesy
A process by which presidents generally allow senators from the state in which a judicial vacancy occurs to block a nomination by simply registering their objection.
The tendency of U.S. senators to support a Senate colleague in opposing the appointment to federal office of a presidential nominee from that Senator’s state describes a part of senatorial courtesy.
Time of continuous service on a committee.
A senator with greater seniority to preferential treatment in matters such as committee assignments will be more likely to acquire more favorable jobs.
Speaker of the House
The only officer of the House of Representatives specifically mentioned in the Constitution; the chamber’s most powerful position; traditionally a member of the majority party.
To be elected the speaker of the house, a candidate must receive an absolute majority of all the votes cast for individuals.
standing committee
Committee to which proposed bills are referred; continues from one Congress to the next.
A standing committee recommends funding levels—authorizations—for government operations and for new and existing programs.
Role played by an elected representative who listens to constituents’ opinions and then uses his or her best judgment to make a final decision.
A trustee is the holder of property on behalf of a beneficiary.
unified government
The political condition in which the same political party controls the presidency and Congress.
During the Reagan administration, the government was a unified government for the Republicans.
The formal, constitutional authority of the president to reject bills passed by both houses of Congress, thus preventing them from becoming law without further congressional action.
If the Congress overrides the veto by a two-thirds vote in each house, it becomes law without the President’s signature.
War Powers Resolution
Passed by Congress in 1973; the president is limited in the deployment of troops overseas to a sixty-day period in peacetime (which can be extended for an extra thirty days to permit withdrawal) unless Congress explicitly gives its approval for a longer period.
The War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days.
Party leader who keeps close contact with all members of his or her party, takes vote counts on key legislation, prepares summaries of bills, and acts as a communications link within a party.
Whips invite their fellow legislators to attend voting sessions and to vote according to the official party policy.