Chapter 6: Engines Flashcards
Engine Make and Model
General Electric CF34-8E
Start/Stop 1(2)—STOP
Shuts down respective engine if TLA idle in flight, <5 deg on ground (EICAS message if not idle)
Ignition Switch—OFF
In flight, FADEC ignores OFF position; On ground, FADEC deactivates igniters and inhibits fuel flow
FADEC Power Source
PMA (Permanent Magnetic Alternator) if N2>~50%, Aircraft electrical system otherwise
ATTCS Commands RSV Power when:
TLA TOGA Position and…
- N1 Difference > 15%
- Engine Failure during Takeoff
- Engine Failure during Go-Around
- Windshear Detection
N1 Wing Anti-Ice Cyan Line
Indicates minimum N1 required for bleed requirements during final approach (radio alt. <1,200’)
Describe Fuel Flow from Tanks to Engine
After leaving tanks, fuel passes through engine-driven low-pressure fuel pump and splits into two paths. The first path goes through the engine-driven high-pressure fuel pump and is routed to the ejector pumps. The second goes through the fuel/oil heat exchanger, fuel filter (in the FMU), then returns to the engine-driven high-pressure fuel pump and is routed to the FMU, then the fuel injectors.
Fuel/Oil Heat Exchanger
Maintains oil within an acceptable temperature range and heats fuel to prevent freezing
FMU (Fuel Metering Unit)
- Meters and distributes fuel to the injectors
- Controls shutoff valve for normal shutdowns
- Provides engine overspeed protection
Variable Geometry Actuator
Controlled by FADEC via the FMU, fuel-driven actuators adjust position of stators to optimize efficiency of compressor for corrected N2 speed
Describe the Lubrication System
One supply pump, 4 scavenge pumps
Oil filter with bypass and cold start relief valve
Oil lubrication pump -> Filter -> Fuel/Oil Heat Exchanger -> divides into 4 circuits (A,B,C,AGB)
Starting System Components
Starter Control Valve
Air Turbine Starter
Ignition System
Two igniters per engine A/B
B igniter powered by respective AC BUS, commanded by SPDA 2
A igniter powered by AC STBY BUS, (commanded by SPDA 1)
One igniter energized for ground starts, both for air starts or if switch in OVRD position
Ground Start Sequence
Starter Valve Opens
~7% N2: Ignition is energized
~20% N2: Fuel flow initiated
~50% N2: Starter cutout and FADEC commands FMU to produce ground idle speed
Both igniters energized if no light off 15s after FF, must be aborted if no light off 30s after FF
Air Start Sequence
~7% N2: Both igniters energized
~20% N2 OR 15s: Fuel flow is initiated
~50% N2: Starter cutout and FADEC commands FMU to accelerate engine to flight idle
No hot or hung start protection, must be aborted if no light off 30s after FF
Windmill Start Sequence
7% N2: Both igniters are energized
7.2% N2 or 15s: Fuel flow is initiated
No hot or hung start protection, must be aborted if no light off within 30s of FF
Auto Relight
WML is displayed, FADEC commands relight fuel flow, both igniters energized
In flight: Must be MANUALLY aborted if >30s or N2 < 7.2%
On Ground: Automatically aborted if N2 < 52%
Thrust Reverser After Engine Failure
Available on respective engine for 30s
Moving both TLA to MAX REV commands MIN REV
Moving ONLY operative TLA to MAX REV commands MAX REV
Minimum Flex Takeoff Thrust
The higher of 75% of max rated thrust or TO-2 + 0.5% N1
When will CLB-1 selection be inhibited on the ground?
If CLB-1 N1 is greater than takeoff thrust
Idle Thrust Selections
Approach (<15,000’, flaps or gear deployed)
Final Approach (Radio alt. <1,200’, landing flaps, gear down)
Automatic increase of flight and approach idle in icing conditions; no automatic increase for final approach idle, but N1 cyan tick is displayed
TO-1 Thrust Rating
TO-1: 13,000 lbs
TO-1 RSV: 14,200 lbs
ISA and Sea Level
TO-2 Thrust Rating
TO-2: 11,800 lbs
TO-2 RSV: 13,000 lbs
ISA and Seal Level
GA Thrust Ratings
GA: 13,000 lbs
GA RSV: 14,200 lbs
ISA and Sea Level