Chapter 6: Convergence of random variable Flashcards
Modes of convergence
On formula sheet
(X_n), X RVs
1) X_n arrow(d) X “convergence in distribution”
For every x in R st P(X=x) =0, we have P(X_n ≤ x) tend to P(X ≤ x) as n →∞
2)X_n arrow(P) X “convergence in probability”
Given any a bigger than 0, limit as n →∞ of P[ |X_n -X| bigger than a ] =0
3)X_n arrow(a.s) X “almost sure convergence”
P[X_n → X as n →∞] =1
Ie P[ ω in Ω: X_n(ω) → X(ω) as n →∞]
4) X_n arrow(p) “convergence in L^p”
E[ |X_n -X|^p] → 0 as n →∞
3 and 4 are strict, 1 and 2 are weaker
Example 6.1.1
Let U be a uniform RV in [0,1]
U~unif[0,1] and set X_n = n^2 1_{U less than 1/n} =
{n^2 if U less than 1/n
{0 o/w
Thus X_n only takes 2 possible values: n^2 ( if n is large this is unlikely) or 0
Therefore candidate limit X=0
1) convergence in distribution:
P(X_n≤ x) ={…
(As P(X ≤ x) =
{1 if x ≥ 0
{0 if x is less than 0 )
So comidiese 2 cases:
* if x is less than 0 P(X_n ≤ x ) =0 implies 0 = P(X ≤ x)
- if x ≥ 0 then P(X_n =0) = 1 - (1/n)
( 2nd implies 1/n so chance of uniform RV 1- 1/n)
1- (1/n) = P( X_n =0) ≤ P(X_n ≤ x) ≤ 1
Let n tend to infinity, by sandwich tile P(X_n≤ x) → 1= P( X ≤ x)
So in all cases, P(X_n ≤ x) → P(X ≤ x),
So X_n → X
Example 6.1.1
Let U be a uniform RV in [0,1]
U~unif[0,1] and set X_n = n^2 1_{U less than 1/n} =
{n^2 if U less than 1/n
{0 o/w
2) for 0 less than a ≤ n^2 * (which is true eventually for all large n)
P( |X_n -0| bigger than a)
= P(|X_n| bigger than a)
≤ P(X_n =n^2) =1/n
(By uniform dist)
So as n →∞
P( |X_n -0| bigger than a) →0 so X_n arrow(P) 0
Example 6.1.1
Let U be a uniform RV in [0,1]
U~unif[0,1] and set X_n = n^2 1_{U less than 1/n} =
{n^2 if U less than 1/n
{0 o/w
If X_m =0 for some m in N, then X_n =0 for all n ≥ m
(If X_m =0 then u ≥ (1/m) implies that u ≥ (1/n)
Which implies X_n =0 for n ≥ m)
As X_n is at start value n^2 but as soon as u ≥ (1/m) we have X_n→ 0 and continues at 0 ( once hits 0 stays)
Diagram showing exponential sample but then hits 0 once and stays
So 1 ≥ P( limit as n →∞ of X_n =0)
≥ P(X_m=0) = 1 - (1/m) → 1
If RHS occurs certain that LHS occurs
So by sandwich rule
P(limit as n →∞ of X_n =0)=1
(limit of X_n is number not sequence)
Example 6.1.1
Let U be a uniform RV in [0,1]
U~unif[0,1] and set X_n = n^2 1_{U less than 1/n} =
{n^2 if U less than 1/n
{0 o/w
ie L^1
E(|X_n-0|) = E( |X_n|) by dist
= 0(P(|X_n|=0) + (n^2P(|X_n|=n^2)
(but X_n ≥ 0 for all n so)
= 0P(X_n=0) +n^2P(X_n=n^2) =n^2P(X_n=n^2) =n^2(1/n) ↛0 (doesn't converge to 0) So X_m ↛^1 X
ie doesn’t converge in L^1
LEMMA 6.1.2 relationships between types of convergence
Lemma 6.1.2 Let Xn,X be random variables.
- If Xn P → X then Xn d → X.
- If Xn a.s. → X then Xn P → X.
- If Xn Lp → X then Xn P → X.
- Let 1 ≤ p < q. If Xn Lq → X then Xn Lp → X.
In all other cases (i.e. that are not automatically implied by the above), convergence in one mode does not imply convergence in another
q more than p
L^q →L^p →P→d
(a.s →P )
NOTES: relationships between types of convergence
Remark 6.1.3 For convergence of real numbers, it was shown in MAS221 that if an → a and an → b then a = b, which is known as uniqueness of limits. For random variables, the situation is a little more complicated: if Xn P → X and Xn P → Y then X = Y almost surely. By Lemma 6.1.2, this result also applies to Lp → and a.s. →. However, if we have only Xn d → X and Xn d → Y then we can only conclude that X and Y have the same distribution function. Proving these facts is one of the challenge exercises, 6.9
uniqueness of limits doesn’t apply ie X not equal to Y and X_n →P X and X_n →P Y but P[X=Y]=1 and the distributions are the same if X_n →d X and X_n →d Y imply F_X=F_Y
Theorem 6.2.1 (Monotone Convergence Theorem
Let (Xn) be a sequence of random variables and suppose that:
- Xn+1 ≥ Xn, almost surely, for all n.
- Xn ≥ 0, almost surely, for all n.
Then, there exists a random variable X such that Xn a.s. → X.
Further, E[X_n] →E[X]
(note its possible that P(X= infinity) bigger than 0 and E(X) = infinity, as long as positive values we don’t have “infinity-infinity”)
Let (Xn) be a sequence of independent random variables, with distribution given by
X_i =
{2^{−i} with probability 1/2
{0 with probability 1/2.
Let Yn =sum from I=1 to n of [X_i]
Y_{n+1}=Y_n + X_{n+1}
Y_{n+1}≥Y_n (1)
Y_1= X_1 ≥ 0 implies Y_n ≥ 0 (2)
For all n
Then (Y_n) is an increasing sequence, almost surely, and hence converges almost surely to the limit
By the MCT, (1) and (2) give:
there exists a RV Y st E(Y_n) tends to E(Y)
E(Y_n)= E(sum from I=1 to n of [X_i])
= sum from i=1 to n of [(0.5*2^{-i} + 0.5(0)]
= sum from i=1 to n of 2^-(i+1)
=0.5(0.5 - (0.5)^{n+1})/(1-0.5)
Since also Yn ≥ 0, we can apply the monotone convergence theorem to (Yn) and deduce that E[Yn] →E[Y ]. By linearity of E, and geometric summation, we have that E(Y_n) converges to 1/2 as n → ∞,
so we deduce that E[Y ] = 1/2.
We’ll investigate this example further in exercise 6.5. In fact, Xi corresponds to the ith digit in the binary expansion of Y .
Values of Y_1 • , Y_2 ○and Y_3 ◘ shown on number line
○ ○ ○ ○
◘ ◘ ◘ ◘ ◘ ◘ ◘
define Z_i=
{1 if X_i = 2^{-i}
{0 if X_i = 0
then 0,Z_1,Z_2,.. is the binary expansion of Y st Y has unif(0,1) dist