Chapter 14: The Black-Scholes model Flashcards
The Black-Scholes market
The Black-Scholes market contains two assets, cash and stock
- both grow exponentially in value but cash earns interest at a deterministic rate, whereas the value of stock fluctuates
The Black-Scholes market
S_t= value of a unit of stock at time t
given by Geometric Brownian motion, the solution to
dS_t = μS_t.dt+ σS_t dB_t
initial value S_0
we know the solution:
S_t= S_0 exp( (μ-(σ^2/2))t + σB_t)
*sometimes work in stochastic diff - to use itos or may use solution
The Black-Scholes market
if we hold x units of cash, for a time interval of length t.,
it grows to xe^{rt}.
ie earning interest in continuous time at rate r
C_t=value of unit of cash at time t is
dCt = rCt dt.
initial condition C0 = 1, and (unique) solution Ct = e^{rt}
The Black-Scholes market restrictions
S_0 ≥ 0 (stock price)
σ strictly bigger than 0 (o/w stock price isn’t random, difficulties with arbitrage)
in continuous time:
*We write the initial value of the stock as S0. We will use s as a variable. Note that this is different to our use of s in discrete time, in which we set s = S0
filtered space generated by the Brownian motion Bt
As usual, we work over a filtered space (Ω,F,(Ft),P) where the filtration Ft is generated by the Brownian motion Bt, that is
Ft = σ(Bu ; u ≤ t).
Here, Bt is the same Brownian motion that drives the random stock price. Within the Black-Scholes model, Bt is the only source of randomness that we’ll need
DEF 14.1.2 portfolio for Black Scholes model
A portfolio is a pair h = (x,y) where x ∈ R denotes an amount of cash and y ∈R denotes a number of units of stock. The value of this portfolio at time t is V h t = xCt + ySt.
*differs to binomial model as ash is an asset which changes value over time
DEF 14.1.3
Black scholes process
portfolio strategy
*we continuously swap assets with time
A portfolio strategy is a pair of continuous stochastic processes (h_t) = (x_t,y_t) where both x_t and y_t are adapted to the filtration Ft. The value of (h_t) at time t is V^h _t = x_tC_t + y_tS_t.
(amount of cash at time t * value of cash + amount stock at time t * value stock)
*theyre adapted ie depend on info
(random values in capsvs deterministic)
amounts of assets in BS
The amounts of cash xt and stock yt that we hold at a given time are stochastic processes. (Just like in discrete time.)
DEF 14.1.4 self-financing
after time 0 don’t take out/input any value
A portfolio strategy (h_t) is said to be self-financing if
satisfies stochastic diff eq:
dV^h_t = x_t dC_t + y_t dS_t
*recall Y_tdX_t and ito int imply it represents Y_t (X_{t+δ} -X_t)
(Y_t decision and () random effect)
so it represents:
V^h_{t+δ}- V^h_t
= x_t (C_{t+δ}-C_t) + y_t(S_{t+δ}-S_t)
change in value of portfolio strategy h is entirely explained by the change In value of C and S (during t to t+δ)
ie self financing
DEF 14.1.5 arbitrage possibility in BS
We say that a self-financing portfolio strategy (h_t) is an arbitrage possibility if
V^h_0 = 0 (initial value 0 ie balance)
P[V^h_t ≥ 0] = 1 (chance that doesn’t lose is 1
P[V^h_t > 0] > 1 (chance gains value us greater than 0)
ie certain not to lose , make money for free
DEF 14.1.6 Contingent claim BS
A contingent claim with date of exercise T is any random variable of the form X = Φ(S_T),
where Φ : [0,∞) → [0,∞) is a deterministic function.
(any function of stock price at time T, any contract that’s based on S_T)
We say that a portfolio strategy h_t = (xt,yt) hedges (or replicates) X if
(ht) is self-financing and
V^h_T = X.
(value at time contract expires = value of contingent claim)
DEF 14.2.2
The risk-netural world in continuous time
The risk-netural world Q is the probability measure under which S_t evolves according to the SDE
dS_t = rS_t dt + σS_t dB_t.
Here, Bt has the same distribution (i.e. Brownian motion) under Q as in the ‘real’ world P.
*to transfer from world P to Q we replaced µ with r.
(here r is the drift and σ volatility)
we’ll tend to write X (instead of our usual Φ(ST)) for contingent claims.
we’ll tend to write X (instead of our usual Φ(ST)) for contingent claims.
LEMMA 14.2.4
specific case
when there exists a replicating portfolio
(X= Φ(S_T)
Let X ∈ F_T be a contingent claim in the Black-Scholes market with exercise time T. Suppose that the stochastic process
M_t = e^{−rT}E^Q [X|F_t] exists *
and has the stochastic differential
dM_t = f_t dZ_t
where Z_t = e^{−rt}St, **
for some (continuous, adapated) stochastic process f_t.
Then there exists a replicating portfolio strategy for X.
- assuming this exists is equiv to X is in L^1 ie E^Q[|X|] less than infinity
**Zt related to stock price