Chapter 6: Assessment: Intervention and Observation Flashcards
Closed questions
questions that can be answered with a single word
limits to confidentiality
situations in which the psychologist is legally obliged to break confidentiality by disclosing information provided by the patient to another person or agency
open questions
allow for elaboration
a change in the phenomenon being monitored that is due specifically to the process of monitoring the phenomenon
strategies to monitor one’s own behaviour, emotions, and/or thoughts
structured interviews
interviews with a specific format for asking questions and a specific sequence in which questions are asked
while face to face interviews are common with ______, it is more useful to observe _______ in naturalistic environments
Most widely used interview in NA
the structured clinical interview for axis 1 disorders
the structured clinical interview for axis 1 disorders
diagnosis of of a broad spectrum of disorders
two versions
begins with an open ended interview on demographic info
ends up being a structured symptom focused interview
not completely standardized
probe questions corresponding to DSM criterion
reliable when administered via videoconferencing or when in person
validity tied to validity pf the DSM
time consuming (60 min)
Anxiety disorders interview schedule (ADIS) IV
adults semi structured diagnosistic interview medium coverage 45-60 min correspondance to the DSM
Anxiety disorders interview schedule (ADIS) IV Child-parent version
semi structured diagnosistic interview
medium coverage
45-60 min
correspondance to the DSM
Primary care evaluations of professional mental disorders (PRIME-MD)
adults narrow coverage 10-20 min some correspondence to DSM rapid screening device many languages used in med clinics
Dominic Interactive
6-11 years broad coverage 10-15 min for screening only (no frequency and duration data) uses cartoon drawings as cues computer use to administer tests
diagnostic interviews for children and adolescents usually have
parallel versions completed by parents
puppets in assessment of children aged 4-8
children appear to be able to reliably report on their personality traits and on basic symptoms of anxiety and depression
key diff between a conversation and a clinical assessment interview
it focuses exclusively on the client
therapeutic self disclosure is not the same as
reciprocal sharing
psychodynamically oriented psychs devote more time on discussing
childhood events
suicide risk
ask direct questions about suicidal thoughts, plans, their lethality
access to the means to attempt
past attempts
conversation with preschool aged child
ask about immediate environment
conversation with an elementary school aged child
ask about their life
children and adolescents engage in some of the best conversations when
they are not making eye contact
children with ADHD often respond _____ in novel situations with undivided attention of an unfamiliar adult