Chapter 5: Assessment Overview Flashcards
Assessment focused services
services conducted primarily to provide info on a person’s psychosocial functioning
base rate
the frequency with which a problem or diagnosis occurs in a population
case formulation
a description of a patient that provides info on his or her life situation, current problems, and a set of hypotheses linking psychosocial factors with the patient’s clinical condition
concurrent validity
the extent to which scores on a test are correlated with scores on measures of similar constructs
Content validity
the extent to which the test samples the type of behaviour that is relevant to the underlying psychological construct
discriminant validity
the extent to which the test provides a pure measure of the construct that is minimally contaminated by other psychological constructs
evidence based assessment
the use of research and theory to guide (a) the variables assessed, (b) the methods and measures used, and (c) the manner in which the assessment process unfolds
incremental validity
the extent to which a measure adds to the prediction of a criterion above what can be predicted by other sources of data
internal consistency
the extent to which all aspects of a test contribute in a similar way to the overall score
inter-rater reliability/inter-scorer reliability
the extent to which similar results would be obtained if the test was conduced by a diff evaluator
intervention focused assessment services
assessments conducted in the context of intervention services
predictive validity
the extent to which the test predicts a relevant outcome
predictions made about the future course of a patient’s psychological functioning, based on the assessment data in combination with relevant empirical literature
a procedure to identify individuals who may have problems of a clinical magnitude or who may be at risk for developing such problems
proportion of true positives identified by the assessment
true pos/(true pos + false neg)
proportion of true negatives identified by the assessment
true neg/(true neg + false pos)
prediction of non-events
consistency across clinicians and testing occasions in the procedure used to administer and score a test
test-retest reliability
the extent to which similar results would be obtained if the person was retested at some point after the initial test
Gary Groth-Marnat
authored some of the most commonly used resources for teaching psychological assessment
- central role of a clinician performing a psych assessment is that of an expert in human behaviour who must deal with complex problems
Michael Lambert
major contributor to the research on assessing changes due to treatment
demonstrated that routine treatment monitoring can affect treatment outcome!
Screening tools and diagnostic tools are _______
not the same
the less frequently a problem occurs, the ________ a prediction error will occur
more likely
treatment planning
gives realistic expectations
establishes a standard against which treatment progress can be measured
proposed course of action
a useful treatment plan must cover 3 areas
problem identification
treatment goals
treatment strategies/tactics
treatment monitoring affect
client deterioration reduced
positive effect of psychotherapy enhanced
super apparent in couples therapy
it is not a test unless
it has been demonstrated to have met the standards of reliability, validity, norms
psych assessment vs. testing
not the same
compared to other mental health professionals, psychologists
are more likely to use tests
the lives of children and adolescents are best understood with reference to the ___
context to which they are embedded
reliability influences how much _____ there is in a test score
validity is always ______ and not _________
a dichotomous variable
three main categories of test norms
percentile ranks
standard scores
developmental norms
5 most common tests used in child and adolescent assessment
Wechsler intelligence scale for children
Achenbach system of empirically based assessment
Sentence completion tests
Conner’s parent and teacher rating scales
draw a person test
5 tests rated as most important in assessment practices
MMPI Wechseler intelligence scale Rorscharch inkblot test Million inventories TAT
what influences psychologist test usage?
country of practice and nature of doctoral assessment
2 main pillars of clinical psych
science and ethics