Chapter 6 Flashcards
When we fear some smaller risks far too much (risk overestimation) or fear some larger risks not nearly enough (risk underestimation) this is called the ________
cognitive risk gap
risk gap
perception gap
belief behaviour gap
perception gap
affect pool
thoughts and images stored with affective tags
general feeling of goodness or badness
affects judgements and behaviour
sensory adaptation
When stimuli do not change, or change very slowly, they quickly lose their ability to activate a response from our sensory neurons, this is called
When stimuli do not change, or change very slowly, they quickly lose their ability to activate a response from our sensory neurons, this is called
sensory adaptation
_______ is the thought processes in the human brain
_______ is the thought processes in the human brain
systems knowledge
larger picture behind our problems and reveals how seemingly separate issues are interconnected
Mental models are also referred to as h____
what causes us to ignore new ideas
confirmation bias
an irrational drive to maintain cherished notions, even in the face of contradictory evidence
belief perseverance
Describe the diffusion of innovation model
- opinion leaders
- early adopters
- early majority
- late majority
- In fact, it is in this category that you find opinion leaders who are highly connected and often operate at the centre of communication networks.
- When people in the mainstream see how “joining in” works, they feel competent and confident to do so.
- Within the mainstream, the early majority actively seeks new information and has rich social networks, while the late majority tends to enter the fray only when there is little risk and when they perceive peer pressure to do so.
Light is a primary zeitgeber, an _________ that synchronizes circadian
rhythms, physiological processes such as sleeping and eating that roughly follow
a 24-hour cycle.
external cue that
why is political advocacy important
Personal behaviors are significantly constrained by societal