Chapter 3 Flashcards
toxins in organisms having higher levels as they move up the food chain
which is better
-upstream or downstream solutions?
upstream - focus on the root cause
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
label that helps individuals understand the possible effects of their purchase
cradle to cradle manufacturing approach
waste is used in new production cycles
reduce, reuse is an example of what strategy
upstream solution
recycle is an example of what strategy
downstream solution
Using an under-cabinet tub of worms to transform food waste into soil is called
What is it to be a locavore?
Eating what is regionally grown
Buying carbon offsets is a….
downstream solution
Ron Finley wants “gangsta” in the guerrilla garden movement to mean
Explain the Gulf of Mexica oxygen dilemma
Farms use fertilisers which carry from the Mississippi. Creates algea and when algea dies it consumes oxygen. Only an upstream solution of reducing fertiliser will make this better
eco-industrial parks
industrial communities that are based on sharing resources, maximising efficiency, and utilising each other’a waste materials
companion planting
one common strategy for farming and gardening is to leverage interconnectedness
using a combination of fish and gravity to create fertile vegetable gardens in small urban areas
A social movement called ‘voluntary simplicity’ is spreading through Europe and North America, what does it entail?
people aim to take charge of a life that is too busy, too stressful and too fragmented
people choose to downscale their material possessions in order to live consciously and deliberately
people choose to recognise their present abundance and sufficiency and appreciate that more can be less