Chapter 6 Flashcards
anser anseris
M. goose
arvum -i
N. plowed land, field
dium -i
N. open air, open sky
faenum -i
N. hay
frigus frigoris
N. cold, coolness
hiems, hiemis
F. winter
pabulum -i
N. food, fodder for animals
plaustrum -i
N. wagon, cart
stabulum -i
N. standing room, quarters, a stable
sus suis
C. pig, sow, hog
tectum -i
roof, house
vilivus -i
M. Overseer of a villa
conficio, conficere, confeci, confectum
to put together, to finish
macero -are -avi -atum
to soften
perfundo, perfundere, perfudi, profusum
to pour over
salio, salire, salui, saltum
to spring, to leap, to jump
veto, vetare, vetui, vetitum
to forbid, to prohibit
indec. some, several
planus -a -um
flat, level, even
pluvius -a -um
rainy, of rain