Chapter 16 Flashcards
carmen carminis N.
tune, song, poem
frons frontis F.
forehead, brow
genetrix genetricis F.
labor laboris M.
work, labor, toil
lympha -ae F.
nata -ae F.
sedes sedis F.
chair, seat
sidus sideris N.
group of stars, constellations
tune, song, poem
carmen carminis N.
forehead, brow
frons frontis F.
genetrix genetricis F.
work, labor, toil
labor laboris M.
lympha -ae F.
nata -ae F.
chair, seat
sedes sedis F.
group of stars, constellations
sidus sideris N.
adsum adesse adfui adfuturum
to be near, to be present
attollo attollere
to lift up, to raise up
aufero auferre abtuli ablatum
to carry off, to take away
inpleo/ impleo inplere inplevi inpletum
to deserve, to merit
reperio reperire repperi repertum
to find again, to find
to be near, to be present
adsum adesse adfui adfuturum
to lift up, to raise up
attollo attollere
to carry off, to take away
aufero auferre abtuli ablatum
to deserve, to merit
inpleo/ impleo inplere inplevi inpletum
to find again, to find
reperio reperire repperi repertum
nubilus -a -um
cloudy, gloomy, troubled
still, yet, up to this point
provided that
cloudy, gloomy, troubled
nubilus -a -um
still, yet, up to this point
provided that