Chapter 5 Flashcards
adulescentia -ae
F. youth
aetas aetatis
F. age, life time
aqua -ae
F. water
dolium -i
N. a large jar for storing wine
fundus -i
M. farm, estate (org. soil)
olea -ae
F. olive, olive tree
tempestas tempestatis
F. storm
torcular torcularis
N. (i - stem) a wine press, an oil press
accedo, accedere accessi accessum
to approach, come near
consero, conserere, consevi, consitum
to sow, plant
deicio, deicere, deieci, deiectum
to throw down, hurl down
expedio, expedire, expedivi/ expidiī, expeditum
to set free, to be useful
soleo, solere, solitus sum
(semi-deponent) to be accustomed
olearius -a -um
of oil, for oil
vinarius -a -um
of wine, for wine
not, lest, so that not
every year
conj. and not, or not
ut, or uti
conj. (w/ indicative) as, when (w/ subjunctive) in order that, to