Chapter 14 Flashcards
arx arcis f
stronghold, fortress
forma -ae f
form, beauty, shape
genus generis n
race, nation, kind
ira -ae f
anger, wrath
litus litoris n
moenia moeniorum n pl
walls, fortifications of a city
moles molis f
great difficulty, burden
numen numinis n
divinity, godhead
contingo contingere contigi contactum
to come into contact with, to touch
dignor digari dignatus sum
to deem worthy or deserving
erro -are -avi -atum
to wander, to sin
impello, impellere impuli impulsum
to drive on
patior pati passus
to suffer, to experience, to allow, to permit
rapio rapere rapui raptum
to snatch, to tear away
verto vertere verti versum
to turn
volvo volvere volvi volutum
to roll, to tumble
antique -a -um
ancient, earlier
insignis -e
marked, distinguished
memor memoris
mindful remembering
so many
stronghold, fortress
arx arcis f
form, beauty, shape
forma -ae f
race, nation, kind
genus generis n
anger, wrath
ira -ae f
walls, fortifications of a city
moenia moeniorum n pl
litus litoris n
great difficulty, burden
moles molis f
divinity, godhead
numen numinis n
to come into contact with, to touch
contingo contingere contigi contactum
to deem worthy or deserving
dignor digari dignatus sum
to wander, to sin
erro -are -avi -atum
to drive on
impello, impellere impuli impulsum
to suffer, to experience, to allow, to permit
patior pati passus
to snatch, to tear away
rapio rapere rapui raptum
to turn
verto vertere verti versum
to roll, to tumble
volvo volvere volvi volutum
ancient, earlier
antique -a -um
marked, distinguished
insignis -e
mindful remembering
memor memoris
so many