Chapter 6 Flashcards
A resistance training system that is a variation of circuit training and that alternates upper body and lower body exercises throughout the circuit is called?
Peripheral Heart Action
Performing a dumbbell chest press on a stability ball is an example of what type of environment?
A proprioceptively enriched environment.
Which term refers to the energy demand placed on the body?
Metabolic specificity
What time of day is it best to teach clients to record their resting heart rate?
Upon waking in the morning
Prolonged Golgi tendon organ stimulation provides an inhibitory action to muscle spindles within the same muscles; this phenomenon is called?
Autogenic inhibition
What is the low-end percentage of maximum heart rate used in zone three?
What is the normal extensibility of all soft tissues that allow the full range of motion of a joint?
A prolonged intolerable stressor that produces fatigue and leads to a breakdown in the system or injury is called?
Increasing weight with each set is an example of which resistance-training program?
When determining a client’s heart rate for zone 2, which equation would you use?
(220-Clients age) x (76% and 85%)
When first starting out with a brand new client, which training system is most appropriate?
Single set
What zone is sprinting is an example of?
A zone 3 cardio workout
What training system can be just as beneficial as traditional forms of cardiorespiratory training?
Circuit training
The ability to sustain the body’s center of gravity over its base of support is known as:
What is the proper equation when determining a clients heart rate for Zone 1?
(220-client’s age) x (65% and 75%)