Chapter 6 Flashcards
A set of energetic forces that originates both within and outside an employee, initiates work-related effort, and determines its direction, intensity, and persistence
High levels of intensity and persistence in work effort
Expectancy theory
The cognitive process that employees go through to make choices among different voluntary responses
- argues that employee behavior is directed toward certain outcomes and away from others. Our choices depend on three specific beliefs that are based on our past learning and experience:
1) expectancy
2) instrumentality
3) valance
The belief that exerting a high level of effort will result in the successful performance of some task
Self – efficacy (def)
4 things employees consider when determining efficacy levels for a given task:
The belief that a person has the capabilities needed to execute the behaviors required for task success
When considering efficacy levels for a given task, employees consider 4 things:
1) past accomplishments
2) Vicarious experiences
3) verbal persuasion
4) emotional cues
The belief that successful performance will result in some outcomes
Intrinsic motivation
motivation that is felt when task performance serves as its own reward
the anticipated value of the outcomes associated with performance
cognitive groupings or clusters of outcomes that are viewed as having critical psychological or physiological consequesnces
extrinsic motivation
motivation that is controlled by some contingency that depends on task performance
meaning of money
the degree to which people view money as having symbolic, not just economic, value
Goal Setting Theory
views goals as the primary drivers of the intensity and persistence of effort
3 variables (or moderators) - affect the strength of relationships between variables
Task complexity
Goal commitment
specific and difficult goals
will result in higher levels of performance than assigning no goals, easy goals, or “do-your-best” goals.
Task Strategies
learning plans and problem solving approaches used to achieve successful performance
Emotional cues
dictate efficacy in feelings of fear or anxiety that create doubts about task accomplishment. Pride & enthusiasm bolster confidence levels.