Chapter 2 Flashcards
Job Performance (def and 3 dimensions)
the value of the set of employee behaviors that contribute, either positively or negatively, to organizational goal accomplishment
1) task performance
2) citizenship behavior
3) counterproductive behavior
Task Performance (def and 3 types)
employee behaviors that are directly involved in the transformation of organizational resources into the goods or services that the organization produces
1) Routine task performance
2) adaptive task performance
3) creative task performance
Routine task performance
well-known responses to demands that occur in a normal, routine, or otherwise predictable way. i.e. stewardess demonstrating seat belt
Adaptive task performance
“adaptability”, employee responses to task demands that are novel, unusual, or, at the very least, unpredictable. i.e. emergency procedures performed by stewardess to save lives
Creative task performance
the degree to which individuals develop ideas or physical outcomes that are both novel and useful. (i.e. introduction of the bikini in 1946.)
- Employee creativity is necessary to spark the types of innovations that enable organizations to stay ahead of their competition.
Job analysis - 3 steps
1) generate a list of activities involved in the job through observations, surveys and interviews
2) each activity on the list is rated by “subject matter experts”
3) activities that are rated highly in terms of their importance and frequency are retained and used to define task performance. (become learning objectives for training and performance eval systems)
Occupational Information Network
O*Net - online database that includes the characteristics of most jobs in terms of tasks, behaviors, and the required knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Citizenship behavior (def and 2 types)
voluntary employee activities that may or may not be rewarded but that contribute to the organization by improving the overall quality of the setting in which work takes place.
1) Interpersonal Citizenship behavior (Helping, Courtesy, Sportsmanship)
2) Organizational Citizenship behavior (Voice, Civic Virtue, Boosterism)
Interpersonal citizenship behavior (def and 3 types)
behaviors benefit coworkers and colleagues and involve assisting, supporting, and developing other organizational members in a way that goes beyond normal job expectations.
1) helping
2) courtesy
3) sportsmanship
assisting co-workers who have heavy workloads, aiding them with personal matters, and showing new employees the ropes when they first arrive on the job.
keeping coworkers informed about matters that are relevant to them
involves maintaining a good attitude with coworkers, even when they’ve done something annoying or when the unit is going through tough times.
Organizational citizenship behavior (def and 3 types)
behaviors that benefit the larger organization by supporting and defending the company, working to improve its operations, and being especially loyal to it.
1) voice
2) civic virtue
3) boosterism
speaking up and offering constructive suggestions for change.
Civic virtue
participating in the company’s operations at a deeper-than-normal level by attending voluntary meetings and functions, reading and keeping up with organizational announcements, and keeping abreast of business news that affects the company.
representing the organization in a positive way when out in public, away from the office, and away from work
Counterproductive behavior (4 types of deviance)
defined as employee behaviors that intentionally hinder organizational goal accomplishment.
1) Property deviance
2) production deviance
3) political Deviance
4) Personal agression
Property deviance (def, research shows and 2 types)
behaviors that harm the org’s assets and possessions. Research shows that up to 3/4 of all employees have engaged in counterproductive behaviors such as theft, and the cost of these behaviors is staggering.
1) sabotage - the purposeful destruction of physical equipment, organizational processes, or company products.
2) Theft - another form of property deviance and can be just as expensive as sabotage if not more.
Production deviance (def and 2 types)
also directed against the org but focuses specifically on reducing the efficiency of work output
1) wasting resources - most common form of production deviance, when employees use too many materials or too much time to do too little work.
2) substance abuse - If employees abuse drugs or alcohol when on the job or shortly before come to work, then the efficiency of their production will be compromised because their work will be done more slowly and less accurately
Political deviance (def and 2 types)
behaviors that intentionally disadvantage other individuals rather than the larger org
1) gossiping - casual conversations about other people in which the facts are not confirmed as true
2) incivility - represents communication that’s rude, impolite, discourteous, and lacking in good manners.
personal aggression (def and 2 types)
hostile verbal and physical actions directed toward other employees
1) Harassment - personal aggression and occurs when employees are subjected to unwanted physical contact or verbal remarks from a colleague.
2) abuse - occurs when an employee is assaulted or endangered in such a way that physical and psychological injuries may occur.
knowledge work
becoming more prevalent than jobs involving physical activity. In addition to being more cognitive, knowledge work tends to be more fluid and dynamic in nature.
service work
work that provides non-tangible goods to customers through direct electronic, verbal, or physical interaction, accounts for apprx 55% of the economic activity in the US and about 20% of new jobs created are service jobs.
management by objectives
a management philosophy that bases an employee’s evaluations on whether the employee achieves specific performance goals.
behaviorally anchored rating scales
BARS - measures performance by directly assessing job performance behaviors . Uses “critical incidents” - short descriptions of effective and ineffective behaviors - to create a measure that an be used to evaluate employee performance
360-degree feedback
collecting performance information not just from the supervisor but from anyone else who might have firsthand knowledge about the employee’s performance behaviors (subordinates, peers, customers).
Forced ranking
forces managers to rank all of their employees into categories. (“rank and yank” or the “dead man’s curve”)