Chapter 6 Flashcards
Q01: Which of the following activities of the Acquisition process includes the establishment of the delivery acceptance criteria (Choose 1)?
A. Prepare for the Acquisition
B. Advertise the Acquisition and Select the supplier
C. Establish and Maintain an Agreement
D. Monitor the Agreement
E. Accept the Product or Servicel
Q02: Which of the following are common approaches for the Acquisition process (Choose 3)?
A. Inclusion of technical people in the selection process (to assess supplier capability)
B. Building an overall acquisition policy (for the organization)
C. Establishment of a point of contact for monitoring & controlling agreements
D. Applying frequent change on the statement of need, to keep in line with stakeholders needs
E. Maintaining traceability between supplier’s responses to acquirers solicitation
Q03: Which of the following are inputs for the acquisition process (Choose 3) ?
A - Organisation plan
B - Acquired system
C- Acquisition reply
D - Systems requirements
E - Enabling System requirements
Q04: Which of the following are activities of the acquisition process (Choose 3) ?
A - Accept the product or service
B - Communicate the agreement
C - Advertise the acquisition and select the supplier
D - Negotiate with the supplier
E - Establish and maintain an agreement
Q05: Which among the following is not a common approach and tip for the Acquisition process : (Choose 1)
A - Establish a common point of responsibilities within the organisation for monitoring and controlling individual agreements
B - Maintain traceability between the supplier’s responses to the acquirer’s sollicitartion
C - Communicate widely the results of agreements within the full set of suppliers
D - Define and track measures that indicates progress on agreements
Q06: According to ISO/IEC 15288:2015, what is the purpose of the Supply Process (choose 1)?
A. To provide an acquirer with a product or service that meets agreed requirements
B. To create a product or service to a client who is not the final user
C. To create a product to a client who is not the final user
Q07: As part of supply process, which of the following assessments are necessary to determine the suitability of a response to a Tender and the ability of the organization to meet related commitments (choose 3)..
A. Assessment from the Project Portfolio Management process
B. Assessment from the Quality Management process
C. Assessment trom the Contiguration Management process
D. Assessment from the Project Management process
E. Assessment from the Human Resource Management process
Q08 : Which of the following are outputs of the Supply process (Choose 3) ?
A. Supply plan
B. Supply strategy
C. Supply requirements
D. Supply agreement
E. Supply response
Q09: Which of the following is not an activity of the Supply process (Choose 1) ?
A. Respond to a tender
B. Select a supplier
C. Establish and maintain an agreement
D. Execute the agreement
E. Deliver and support the product or service
Q10: Which among the following is not a common approach and tip for the Supply Process (Choose 1) :
A - Maintain an up-to-date Internet presence
B - Relationship building and trust between the parties
C - Involve personnel who will be responsible for agreement execution to participate in the evaluation of response to the acquirer’s request.
D - Record all mistakes which have been done by suppliers and communicates them widely
E - Make a critical assessment of the ability of the organisation to execute the agreement
In what situation is there a need for a acquisition and supply relationship?
A. When the organization cannot meet all its technical requirements
B. When the organization does not have the budget to expand its services
C. When an organization with a need does not have the ability to satisfy that need without assistance
Choose 1
Acquisition is an alternative to:
A. Meet schedule in a timely manner
B. Risk management
C. Optimizing investment
Choose 1
C : when a supplier can meet the need in a more cost effective and timely manner
What is the overall objective of the agreement process?
A. Identify interfaces with external entities
B. Establish parameters of relationship with external entities
C. Identifying inputs received from external entities and the outputs to be provided to them
D. Establishing a contractual agreement after a negotiation
Choose 3
The network of supplier-aquirer relationships provides:
A. An environment to facilitate shared growth
B. A number of external interfaces
C. Context of business environment of organization
D.access to future trends and research
Choose 2
Role of the systems engineer during contract negotiations:
A. Refining requirements
B. Impact assessment for changes
C. Trade analysis on alternatives
D. Risk assessment
E. Technical input needed for decision making
Choose 4
The acceptance criteria includes:
A. Percentage completion of SysRs
B.percent completion of each contract requirements doc SOW RFP
C. Requirements stability and growth
D. Interfacing criteria
Choose 3
What is the purpose of the acquisition process:
A. To obtain a product or service in accordance with aquirers requirements
B. To obtain a product or service after a healthy contractual agreement with a supplier that can provide an earned value
Choose 1
The agreement is closed through:
A. Agreement process
B. Portfolio management process
C. Decision making process
Choose 1
When selecting a supplier:
A. Select suppliers with history
B. Include technical representation in selection to assess capability of supplier
C. Identify changes to key personnel even if there is a past performance history
Choose 2
When communicating with the supplier:
A. Avoid conflicting statements
B. Communicate clearly about real needs
C. Avoid making frequent changes in statement of need
D. Establish a strict communication protocol
All are answers
How can you reduce risk of contract modifications, cancellations or follow om contracts to fix product:
A. Facilitate a special office for dealing with supplier concerns.
B. Have a team in charge of dealing with supplier concerns.
C. Maintain trace between supplier response and aquirer solicitation.
Choose 1