Chapter 6 Flashcards
Process by which senosry receptor neurons detect information transmit it to the brain
The interpretation of sensory input(recognizing the information)
Constructivist (side of nuture)
Perceptions are consturcted through learning
Nativist(side of nature)
Innate capabilities and maturational drive perceptual development
Perception doesn’t require interpretation
Gibson’s Ecolgoical Theory of perception
Nature vs Nuture are inseparable
Perception drives action
how does babies sense and perceive
Hibituation paradigm
Same stimulus —> eventually the baby will lose interest in object
How does babies sense and perceive
Preferenatial paradigm
Two stimulus against each other, which one the baby looks at longer
How does babies sense and perceive
records the brain activtiy of the baby while there’s a simulus
Eyes takes in stimulation in form of light, converts information to signals that’s sent to the brain, brain interpret the signal
Infant’s visual attention
Patterns with large contour attracts attention
Displays that are dynamic
Patterns that are moderately complex
High complex is too much for baby
Likes to look new things over old things
infant auditory recognition
look longer at the source of familiar sounds compared to novel(Stranger) sounds
6 months = universal listener
10 months = stops being the universal listener
Face process infants
1 month old focus on top of the head
2 month focus more on the central of the face( more information)
Infants’ depth perception
Infants of crawling age can clearly perceive depth
Not born with
Demonstrated by visual cliff experiement
Infant hearing
Hearing is more develop than vision at birth,
localize hearing
Look towards soft sounds, but look away from loud sounds
Conjugating reinforcement technique
testing of the long term memory and perceptual information
child’s foot attracted to a ribbon on the crib
Taste and smell(Chemical Sense)
Babies can distinguish sweet, bitter, and sour
Sense of smell is well developed at birth
Different kinds of food = less picky eater(between 4 -6 months)
Exposure to fimiliar scent = calming