Chapter 6 Flashcards
Conformity that involves both acting and believing in accord with social pressure.
Conformity that involves publicly acting in accord with an implied or explicit request while privately disagreeing.
A change in behavior or belief as the result of real or imagined group pressure.
It is acting or thinking
differently from the way you
would act and think if you
were alone.
A type of compliance
involving acting in
accord with a direct
order or command.
an inclination to readily and uncritically adopt the ideas, beliefs, attitudes, or actions of others
What predicts conformity?
a. Group Size
b. Unanimity
c. Cohesion
d. Status
e. Public Response
f. Prior Commitment
Three to five people will elicit much more conformity than just one or two.
Increasing the number of people beyond five yields diminishing returns.
Group Size
Several experiments reveal that someone who punctures a group’s unanimity deflates its social power.
- People will usually voice their own convictions if just one other person has also differed from the majority.
The more cohesive a group is, the more power it gains over its members.
People of lower status accepted the experimenter’s commands more readily than people of higher status.
People conform more when they must respond in front of others.
Public Response
Prior commitments restrain persuasion.
Prior Commitment
Predictors of Conformity
Social Roles
High in agreeableness and conscientiousness
Novelty seekers
Those with strong beliefs in their own free will