Chapter 6 Flashcards
nuclein (p. 228)
The original name given to DNA when it was discovered in the nucleus of cells by Friedrich Miescher in 1869
nucleotide (p. 229)
The repeating unit in DNA; it comprises a deoxyribose sugar, a phosphate group, and one of the four nitrogenous bases
X-ray crystallography (p. 230)
A technique in which a pure substance is subjected to X-rays; the pattern in which the X-rays bend and spread helps reveal the structure of the pure substance
scientific model (p. 230)
a simplified representation of a concept; can be tangible or conceptual
complementary base pairing (p. 231)
pairing of the nitrogenous base of one strand of DNA with the nitrogenous base of another strand; adenine (A.) pairs with thymine (T), and guanine (G) pairs with cytosine (C)
point mutation (p. 234)
a small-scale change in the nitrogenous base sequence of a DNA; the mutation may be beneficial, harmful, or neutral (having no effect on
the organism)
chromosome mutation (p. 234)
an error that involves an entire chromosome or a large part of a chromosome
spontaneous mutation (p. 236)
a mutation that is not caused by any outside factors; it occurs randomly
induced mutation (p. 236)
a mutation that occurs because of exposure to an outside factor; second-hand smoke increases the chance of developing lung cancer
antibiotic resistant (p. 237)
describes strains of bacteria that are no longer susceptible to the effects of antibiotics; are sometimes called “superbugs” and are prevalent in hospital settings
transposon (p. 237)
a specific segment of DNA that can move along or between the
transposition (p. 237)
the process of moving a gene sequence from one part of the chromosome to another part of the chromosome
microarray (p. 238)
a small membrane or glass slide that has been coated in a predictable and organized manner with a genomic sequence
Human Genome Project (HGP) (p. 240)
a collaborative worldwide project to sequence the nitrogenous bases in human DNA
human genome (p. 240)
the sequence of DNA nitrogenous bases found on the 23 sets of chromosomes in humans
coding DNA (p. 240)
a region of DNA that contains a sequence of nucleotides that will be expressed; a gene
non-coding DNA (p. 240)
a region of DNA that does not contain a sequence of nucleotides that will be expressed
functional genomics (p. 241)
the study of the relationship between genes and their function
model organism (p. 241)
an organism that can be used to study biological functions of another organism, due to its genetic similarity
DNA bank (p. 242)
a database of DNA sequences; the sequences can be from plants, animals, or humans
DNA fingerprinting (p. 243)
a pattern of bands on a gel that is unique to each individual
restriction enzyme (p. 245)
a molecule that has the ability to cut DNA at a specific site; different restriction enzymes recognize and cut different sites
recombinant DNA (p. 245)
fragments of DNA consisting of nucleotide sequences from at least two different sources
gene therapy (p. 249)
the process by which defective genes in a genome are corrected with a normal copy of the gene
target cell (p. 249)
one of the cells that contain the faulty gene to be corrected
vector (p. 249)
any agent, such as a plasmid or a virus, capable of inserting a piece of foreign DNA into a cell
Nature vs. Nurture Debate (Triplet Study)
● 3 boys placed in different homes - no clue triplets
● multiyear study by child psychiatrist - examining the question of “nature vs. nurture,” - never published, and the study’s materials are being kept at Yale University.
Nature vs. Nurture Debate (Mother Rats)
Those who mothers were lickers child become lickers and those who were not became non lickers
Nature vs. Nurture Debate (FAS)
Is a disorder that happens when the mother drinks alcohol while pregnant.
Nature vs. Nurture Debate (WWII testing)
● 3000 twin sets - 200 survived
● Eugenics is the scientifically erroneous and immoral theory of “racial improvement” and “planned breeding” – believed that they could perfect human beings through genetics and heredity
(tightly wound DNA)
● chromatin is really in “pieces”(46 in humans)
● when chromatin coils up - making the “pieces” visible - we
call the pieces chromosomes
● chromosomes have 2 parts
○ DNA - the “string”
○ Histone Proteins - the “spools”
(DeoxyriboNucleic Acid)
● huge molecule/polymer/macromolecule
● coiled ladder
● sugar phosphate sides
● nitrogen bases (A,C,G,T) make the rungs
○ A + T or C + G
Nucleosides (————+ ————-)
(N Base + Sugar)
Nucleotides ( )
(N Base + Sugar + Phosphate Group)
What examples of Macromolecules that made from monomers
Macromolecules are made from monomers such as glucose, fatty acids, glycerol, amino acids, nucleotides