Chapter 53 Flashcards
Vidit hoc Balbus; cetelam esse Clodiam dixit,
Balbus realised this; he said that Clodia had been kept in the dark (about this)
atque ita Cadlium ad illam attulisse, se ad ornatum ludorum aurum quaerere.
and so Caelius had asserted to her that he was looking for gold for an embellishment of the games.
Si tam familiaris erat Clodiae quam tu esse vis,
If he was as friendly with Clodia, as you say he is,
cum de libidine eius tam multa dicis, dixit profecto quo vellet aurum;
when you make so many remarks about his passion, he certainly said for what purpose he wanted the gold;
si tam familiaris non erat, non dedit.
if he was not so friendly, she did not give it.
Ita si verum tibi Caelius dixit, o immoderata mulier, sciens tu aurum ad facinus dedisti;
So, if Caelius told you the truth, o intemperate woman, you knowingly gave him the money for the crime;
si non est ausus dicere, non dedisti.
if he did not dare to say, you did not give it.
Quid ego nunc argumentis huic crimini, quae sunt innumerabilia, resistam?
Why should I now oppose this accusation with proofs which are numerous?
Possum dicere mores M. Caeli longissime a tanti sceleris atrocitate esse disiunctos;
I can say that the morals of Caelius are very far removed from the barabsrity of such a great crime;
minime esse credendum homini tam ingenioso tamque prudenti non venisse in mentem
that it is not at all credible that it did not occur to a man so clever, so wise,
rem tanti sceleris ignotis alienisque servis non esse credendam.
that an affair involving such a great crime should not be entrusted to slaves who were unknown and belonging to someone else.
Possum etiam illa et ceterorum patronorum et mea consuetudine ab accusatore perquirere,
I can also enquire of the accuser other questions in accordance with both my own custom and that of the other defending counsels,
ubi sit congressus cum servis Luccei Caelius, qui ei fuerit aditus;
where did Caelius meet with the slaves of Lucceius, what access did he have to them;
si per se, qua temeritate? si per alium, per quem?
if (he approached them) by himself, what rashness? If through someone else, through whom?
Possum omnes latebras suspicionum peragrare dicendo;
I can go through all the places where suspicions can lurk;
non causa, non locus, non facultas, non conscius,
no reason, no place, no opportunity, no accomplice,
non perficiendi, non occultandi maleficii spes, non ratio ulla, non vestigium maximi facinoris reperietur
no hope of completing or concealing the crime, not any motive, no trace of the greatest crime will be found.