Chapter 5 - The Centeral Nervous System Flashcards
What are the parts of the CNS?
- brain
- spinal cord
What are the protective structures of the CNS?
- bones
- meninges
- cerebrospinal fluid
What are the protective structures of the brain?
- cranium: part of the skull that houses the brain
- meninges: 3 layers of connective tissue that cover the brain
- cerebrospinal fluid: clear watery fluid, found between inner and middle meninges
What is the function of cerebrospinal fluid?
- acts as a shock absorber
- circulates the CNS, carries nutrients to cells of the brain and spinal cord
What are the characteristics of the cerebrum?
- largest part of the brain
- three layers: cerebral cortex - grey matter, below cortex - white matter, basal ganglia - deep inside - grey matter
Why is the cerebral cortex folded?
To increase surface area
What % of all neurons in the CNS are found in the cerebral cortex?
What are gyri?
Convolutions in the cerebral cortex
What are sulci?
Shallow folds
What are fissures?
Deep down folds
What is the longitudinal fissure?
- deepest fissure, along the length of the brain
- seperate the cerebrum into right and left hemispheres
What are the lobes of the brain?
- frontal
- temporal
- occipital
- parietal
What are tracts?
- found in white matter under cerebral cortex
- bundles of myelinated nerve fibres (in PNS called nerves)
What are the types of tracts?
- Tracts that connect areas of the cortex within the same hemisphere
- Tracts that carry impulses between the left and right hemispheres
- Tracts that connect the cortex with other parts of the brain (ie. cerebellum)
What are the functions of the cerebrum?
- thinking
- reasoning
- learning
- memory
- intelligence
- conscious awareness of surroundings
- high-order functions
What are the types of functional areas in the cerebrum?
- Sensory - interprets impulses from receptors
- Motor - controls muscular movement
- Association - concerned with emotional and intellectual processses
What is the corpus callosum?
- wife band of nerve fibres that lie underneath the cerebrum at the base of the longitudinal fissure
What is the function of the corpus callosum?
- contains nerve fibres that cross from one cerebral hemisphere to the other and allow the two sides of the cerebrum to communicate with each other
What are the characteristics of the cerebellum?
- lies under the rear part of the cerebrum
- 2nd largest part of the brain
What is the structure of the cerebellum?
- surface is folded into parallel ridges
- outer grey matter
- inner white matter (branched)
What is the function of the cerebellum?
- coordination of fine contractions of muscles resulting in smooth movements and the maintenance of balance and posture
- takes place below conscious level
What is the function of the hypothalamus?
- controls body activities concerned with homeostasis: heart rate, body temperature, movement of food through alimentary canal, food/water intake (appetite and thirst), secretion on releasing/inhibiting factors
What is the medulla oblongata?
A continuation of the spinal cord, 3cm in length
What is the function of the medulla oblongata?
- under the influence of the hypothalamus, regulates the heart, breathing and diameter of blood vessels.
What centres does the medulla oblongata contain?
- cardiac centre: regulates rate and force of the heartbeat
- respiratory centres: control rate and depth of breathing
- vasometer centre: regulates the diameter of blood vessels
What other centres are found in the medulla oblongata?
- centres that regulate the reflexes of swallowing, sneezing, coughing and vomiting
What are the characteristics of the spinal cord?
- cylindrical structure
- 44cm in length
- extends from Dora men magnum to second lumbar vertebrae
What are the functions of the spinal cord?
- Carries pulses up to the brain and motor impulses down from the brain
- Intergrates certain automatic, protective reflexes
What is the structure of the spinal cord?
- inner: grey matter
- H shaped
- central canal: at cross bar of H, runs the length of the spinal cord and contains cerebrospinal fluid
- outer matter: white matter
- arranged into tracts
What are the two different types of tracts in the white matter of the spinal cord?
- ascending: sensory axons that carry impulses upward
- descending: motor axons that carry impulses downwards, away from the brain
What are the protective structure of the spinal cord?
- vertebral canal: bone that encloses the spinal cord, formed by openings in the vertebrae
- meninges: three layers of connective tissue, outer layer not joined to bone; instead there is a space containing fat, connective tissues and blood vessels that acts as padding and allows the spine to bend
- cerebrospinal fluid: found in central canal and between inner and middle layers of meninges, functions: protection, support, transport.