Chapter 5 Terms Flashcards
A standard for naming fi les fi rst introduced with MS-DOS operating systems. The numbers indicate the maximum number of characters that can be used for that part of the name, eight characters and three characters respectively. The period is a separator character between the two names. The three-character fi eld is also known as the fi le extension.
8.3 fi le name
A specifi c entry in a fi le or folder?s ACL that uniquely identifi es a user or group by its security identifi er and the action it is allowed or denied to take on that fi le or folder.
Access Control Entries (ACE)
For those fi le systems that support ACLs for fi les and folders, such as NTFS, the ACL is a property of every fi le and folder in that fi le system. It holds a collection (that is, list) of ACE items that explicitly defi nes what actions are allowed to be taken on the fi le or folder to which it is attached.
Access Control List (ACL)
A system of tracking owners for fi le data within an NTFS-formatted partition or volume and the total disk space consumed by each owner. Limits or warning can be established to restrict disk space usage.
Disk quota
A letter of the alphabet assigned to a formatted partition or volume as a reference point for future access by the user or their applications.
Drive letter
A component of the NTFS fi le system that is responsible for encrypting individual fi les. These fi les are not readable without the correct digital identifi cation.
Encrypting File System (EFS)
A proprietary Microsoft fi le system used with external storage media to organize fi les and folders using a technology similar to FAT but without the space limitations of FAT32. Volume sizes over 32 GB are fully supported.
Extended File Allocation Table (exFAT)
A generic term that refers to early versions of the FAT fi le system (FAT12, FAT16) or to any FAT fi le system in general, also see File Allocation Table.
A fi le system used to organize fi les and folders in a partition or volume. A master File Allocation Table is used to indicate what fi les and folders exist within the fi le system. The FAT table entries point to the beginning cluster used to store a fi le?s data. The fi rst cluster points to the next cluster used to store the next part of the fi le?s data. The fi le?s data is stored in a chain of clusters, with the last cluster marked with an end-of-fi le identifi er. The FAT table stores the name and attributes of the fi les and folders on the disk, their starting cluster, and which clusters link to the next. The number of addressable clusters determines the size of the FAT table. The limit for how many addressable clusters exist is based on the size of the binary number used to address each cluster. The number of bits used for the cluster address distinguishes the different versions of FAT. The common versions of FAT include FAT16 and FAT32.
File Allocation Table (FAT)
Typically a three-character name at the end of a fi le name that is used to indicate the type of data contained in the fi le. Common extension examples include DOC for documents and EXE for executable programs.
File extension
File names that can be a maximum of 255 characters in length.
Long fi le names
A fi le system introduced with Windows NT. NTFS supports advanced features to add reliability, security, and fl exibility that fi le systems such as FAT and FAT32 do not have. NTFS is the preferred fi le system for use with Windows 7.
New Technology File System (NTFS)
A snapshot of the fi le system that tracks changes to fi les and allows the restoration of previous fi le versions.
Shadow copy
A unit of data that consists of 1024 gigabytes. Commonly abbreviated as TB.