Chapter 4 Terms Flashcards
A primary partition that is indicated in the partition table as the partitionto use when loading the rest of the operating system. If a basic disk has multiple primarypartitions, only one primary partition can be marked as active at a time. The primary partition?sboot sector is used to load the rest of the operating system.
active partition
An older, IBM-originated method used to organize disk space for x86 computersinto primary, extended, and logical partitions. Basic disk technology is supported by manylegacy operating systems and may be required in certain multiboot confi gurations.
basic disk
The partition or volume used to load the operating system from a hard disk.The system partition is processed before the boot partition. The boot partition can be the samepartition as the system partition.
boot partition
A term used to describe a special-purpose block of data on a disk or partitionessential to the boot process of an x86 computer. The computer?s BIOS will process the bootsector of the MBR initially to fi nd a partition to continue the boot process. The fi rst sector of that partition or volume contains a boot sector with code responsible for beginning theoperating system load process from a partition or volume.
boot sector
A unit of storage for reading and writing fi le data in a fi le system. The cluster size isdetermined when a partition or volume is fi rst formatted with a fi le system. Cluster size is basedon the sector size of a disk and the number of sectors used per cluster. Cluster sizes typicallyrange from 512 bytes to 64 KB.
The process of ordering data on the hard disk in a contiguous fashion tominimize the delays in reading or writing data. This attempts to minimize the mechanical delaycaused by having to move read/write mechanisms from one region of the disk to another.
An MMC console snap-in used to administer hard disks inWindows 7.
Disk Management console
A letter of the alphabet assigned to a formatted partition or volume as a referencepoint for future access by the user or their applications.
drive letter
A RAID 1 implementation that uses one hardware controller for the fi rst diskin a RAID 1 pair, and a second different hardware controller for the second RAID 1 disk. Thisincreases fault tolerance in the case where a disk controller fails instead of a single disk. IDEand SCSI implementations of RAID 1 would typically use one hardware controller to manageboth RAID 1 members. In this case the hardware controller would be a single point of failure.
duplexed mirror
A new method used to organize disk space into volumes. First introduced withWindows 2000, the dynamic disk method is seen as an improvement over basic disk technology.Not all operating systems support the dynamic disk method of organizing disk space. This mayrestrict multiboot confi gurations. Dynamic disk technology supports simple, spanned, striped,mirrored, and RAID 5 volumes. All dynamic disks in a computer are identifi ed with a groupmembership ID personalized for the computer they belong to. Volume information is stored in adatabase that is replicated to all other dynamic disks in the computer. The volume informationdatabase is stored in the last 1 MB of each disk.
dynamic disk
A standard initially created by Intel to replace the BIOS based computer fi rmware
Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI)
A reserved block of space on a basic disk. No more than one extended partition can exist on a single basic disk. Logical partitions are created within the extended partition. Extended partitions cannot be formatted with a fi le system directly.
extended partition
A fi le system used to organize fi les and folders in a partition or volume. A master File Allocation Table is used to indicate what fi les and folders exist within the fi le system. The FAT table entries point to the beginning cluster used to store a fi le?s data. The fi rst cluster points to the next cluster used to store the next part of the fi le?s data. The fi le?s data is stored in a chain of clusters, with the last cluster marked with an end-of-fi le identifi er. The FAT table stores the name and attributes of the fi les and folders on the disk, their starting cluster, and which clusters link to the next. The number of addressable clusters determines the size of the FAT table. The limit for how many addressable clusters exist is based on the size of the binary number used to address each cluster. The number of bits used for the cluster address distinguishes the different versions of FAT. The common versions of FAT include FAT16 and FAT32.
File Allocation Table (FAT)
See File Allocation Table.
A dynamic disk that is recognized as not belonging to the computer it is currently installed in. Until the disk is imported, to change its dynamic disk computer membership, the volumes it contains are not accessible.
Foreign Disk
A label that identifi es an item with a unique name or code that is used to tell it apart from similar items. Software typically uses a coded number or value to represent a unique identifi er.
GUID (Globally Unique Identifi er)