Chapter 5 - States Of Consciousness Flashcards
Sleep is an altered states of consciousness
Mental states found generally during sleep, dreaming, psychiatric drug use, and hypnosis
Near death experience
Heart stopped, no brain activity, and almost died
And organisms awareness of its own self and surrounding almost like a river or stream
Circadian rhythms
Means around a day in Latin
People have rhythms that work around a day (biological, biochemical, and behavioral changes that occur in living organisms in the 24 hour cycle)
Supracyasmatic nucleus
Resets your clock
Symptoms of sleep deprivation
Slow reaction time, stupider, microsleep, energy low levels, and stressed
Body temperature
Dips through the night and in the morning it comes back to normal and regulates
REM rapid eye movement
Stages of sleep where there are rapid eye movement and high-frequency brain movements
NREM (non-rapid eye movement)
Stages 1 to 4 of sleep
Dreams and sleeping
About three fourths of dreams are unpleasant
Paradoxical sleep
Deeply asleep and paralyzed but active brain waves
Sleep cycle
If you wake up in the middle of the night if you return to stage one
Stage 4 there are no dreams
Why do we forget our dreams
Because they are unimportant
Can people control their dreams?
Lucid dreams = flying
Babies and dreaming
Babies dream about 40% of the time
Dream because theyre learning
Confirmation bias
Look for evidence that supports what you believe
Why do we sleep
- Prevents us from getting eaten by predictors
2. Restore our bodies
Problems in the amount, timing and quality of sleep
Most common dyssomnia is insomnia
What’s insomnia
When people can’t sleep at night or wake up too early or have depression/anxiety/use drugs or alcohol
Like bipolar disorder
Can’t sleep
When people take drugs to follow sleep but if taken regularly they won’t be able to sleep
Makes you calm
Cognitive behaviour therapy
What to do
- when you’re having difficulty falling asleep don’t keep checking the clock and worry about the loss of sleep
- use progressive muscle relaxation
- practice yoga or deep breathing
- avoid late meals and heavy drinking
- avoid stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine
Sudden and resistible sleep obstetric you’re doing normal waking hours because of excitement and happiness
Abnormal disturbances occurring during sleep including nightmares, night terrors, sleepwalking, and sleep talking
People that’s Laura and most likely to get a heart attack high blood pressure and heart disease because they have trouble breathing
Psychoactive drugs
Any drug that has an effect on the mind (altered perception conscious awareness and or mood)
Two kinds
- Agonistic drug
- Antagonistic drug
Agonistic drug
A drug that mimics or enhances the activity of neurotransmitters
Antagonistic drugs
A drug that blocks or inhibits the activity of neurotransmitters
A broad term referring to a condition in which a person has an overwhelming commitment to the drug of choice that supplants all other activities
Characteristic signs that appear in person when a drug is discontinued after prolonged use
Ex: hallucinatory events
The state reach when the psychological reaction to the drug decreases there for an increased dose necessary for same effect
Cross tolerance
Able to tolerate some of the drugs that same dosage
Depressants and suppressants
Depressants are drugs that slow or depressed and nervous system
Suppressants are drugs at speed of the nervous system
Meditation and mindfulness
Meditation is group of techniques designed to refocus attention, block out all distractions and produce an altered state of consciousness
A moment to moment and nonjudgmental wetness of one’s experience
A trancelike state of heightened suggestibility, deep relaxation and intense focus
Myths of hypnosis
- Remember the past
- Forced hypnosis
- Unethical behaviors
- Faking
- Superhuman strength
- Exceptional memory
Sleep paralysis
Happens right before you’re about to fall asleep