Chapter 1 - Introduction & Research Flashcards
What is psychology?
The scientific study of behaviour and mental processes
Steps of scientific methods:
- Describe
- Explain (hypothesis)
- Predict
- Control ➡️ manipulation
Types of research:
- Basic research: just to know
2. Applied research: solve a problem
Ethics (code of conduct):
Treating people fairly
Operational definition
Concrete definition
Experimental research:
A search for cause and effect
Controlled scientific procedure that determines whether variables manipulated by the experiment have a causal effect on the experiment result
Independent variable:
Variable manipulated by researcher
Depended variable:
Variable that is measured depended on independent variable
Experimental group:
Group that gets manipulated
Control group
Does not receive experimental manipulations
Single blind:
The experimenter knows who is in the experimental vs. the control group and the participants do not
Double blind:
Neither experimenter or participants know which group is who
Asking random people that make up the populations questions
Correlations (positive, negative and no correlation)
Positive: both factors move in one direction
Negative: both factors move in opposite directions
No correlation: zero correlation between both factors