Chapter 4 - Sensation And Perception Flashcards
Synthesia is
“Mixing of senses”
Sensory adaptation
Reputed are constant stimulation to decrease the number of sensory messages sent to the brain from the sense receptors
Bodies natural pain killers
Phantom limb pain
Occurs because neurons send conflicting messages to the brain
How it works…. They put a mirror in front of the missing limb
Vestibular sense:
Responsible for balance
Kinesthetic sense:
Is the sense that provides the brain with information about bodily posture orientation and movement
The higher level process of selecting organizing and interpreting dating sensory data into useful mental representations of the world
Feature detectors:
Specialize brain cells that respond only to certain sensory information
The tendency of that brain to ignore environmental factors that remain constant
Figure groud
The ground is always seen as further away than the object
Visual cliff experiment
It seems like you’re about to fall off a cliff when in reality it’s a glass
- Size constancy
- Shake constancy
- Colour constancy
- Brightness constancy
Binocular cues:
Retinal disparity and convergence disparity
Retinal disparity: each eye sees something differently
Convergence disparity: helps judge dept
Monocular cues
1. Linear perspective
Parallel lines converge or angle towards one another as they receded into the distance
Monocular cues
2. Interposition
Objects that obscure or overlap other objects are perceived as closer
Monocular cues
3. Relative size
Close objects cast a larger retinal image than distant objects
Monocular cues
4. Texture gradient
Nearby objects have a coarser and more distant texture that distant ones
Monocular cues
5. Aerial perspective
Distant objects appear hazy and blurred compared with close objects because of intervening atmospheric dust or haze
Monocular cues
6. Light and shadow
Brighter objects are perceived as closed that darker objects
Monocular cues:
7. Relative height
Objects positioned higher in our field of vision are perceived as father away
Perceptual set
Our previous experiences, assumptions, and expectations also affect how we interpret and perceive the world by creating a perceptual set
Extra sensory perception
Claim to be able to read people’s minds
Take several differently studies and you figure out a way to group them all together
Subliminal perception
Picking something up with out realizing (putting no effort into it)
What’s the definition of sensation?
The process of receiving translating and transmitting raw sensory data from the external and internal environments to the brain