Chapter 5: Operant Conditioning Flashcards
outcomes are ________ of an animal’s behaviour
Why is instrumental behaviour emitted?
Because it is effective in producing a particular consequence
Operant conditioning?
a response defined by the effect it produces in the environment (goal- directed)
E. L. Thorndike
Puzzle box
– Hungry animal placed in box
– Food visible to animal
– Measured how long it took to escape the box on successive trials
Thorndike measured latency to get out of box on successive trials
Law of effect
Law of effect
Responses in presence of stimulus followed by satisfying events
will strengthen the association between the S and R;
If response followed by annoying event, association is weakened
Standard tasks for examining instrumental behaviour: Discrete trial procedure
– Instrumental response produced once per trial
– Each training trial ends with removal of the animal from the apparatus
ex. Operant Devices
Inspired by observing animals in nature (burrows of rats)
measure: Running speed, Latency, Correct choices
Standard tasks for examining instrumental behaviour: Free-operant procedure
– Animals remain in apparatus and can make many responses
– No intervention by the experimenter
– Developed by BF Skinner
– Need a unit to measure behaviour:
•Operant response: defined by the effect that the response produces on the environment
– Response rates are often the behavioural measure
Standard tasks for examining instrumental behaviour: Magazine training
– How you establish the operant response
– Animal must be shown how to “use” the experimental set up
– You need a series of training steps
– Involves classical conditioning
Examining instrumental behaviour
• Shaping
– Sequence of training steps 1) Light always occurs with food delivery 2) Light and tone occur with food delivery 3) Tone occurs with food delivery • Light does not occur anymore
shaping takes advantage of response variability
Burrhus Frederick Skinner
shaping a pigeon to turn
Response Variability
Behaviour starts off highly variable
Successful variations are maintained;
unsuccessful variations are not
appetitive stimulus
pleasant outcome
aversive stimulus
unpleasant outcome
instrumental responses can
result in a stimulus
turn off a stimulus
Reinforcer : An event that follows behaviour,
and that behaviour increases
Punisher: An event that follows behaviour,
and that behaviour decreases
increases responding
decreases responding