Chapter 4: mechanisms of Classical conditioning Flashcards
Backward conditioning
a procedure in which the CS is presented shortly after the US on each trial
compound stimulus test
a test procedure that identifies a a stimulus as a conditioned inhibitor if that stimulus reduces the responding elicited by a conditioned excitatory stimulus
conditional or conditioned response
the response that comes to be made tot he CS as a result of classical conditioning
conditional or conditioned stimulus
a stimulus that does not elicit a particular response initially, but comes to do so as a result of becoming associated with an US
Conditioned suppression
suppression of ongoing behaviour (e.g.. drinking) produced by the presentation of a CS that has been conditioned to elicit fear through association with an aversive US
Conditioning trial
a training episode involving presentation of a CS with or without the US
CS-US interval is also known as
interstimulus interval
evaluative conditioning
changing the hedonic value or liking of an initially neutral stimulus by having that stimulus associated with something that is already liked or disliked
Explicitly unpaired control
a procedure in which both CS and US are presented, but with sufficient time between them so that they do not become associated with each other
goal tracking
conditioned behaviour elicited by a CS that consists of approaching the location where the US is usually presented
Inhibitory conditioning
a type of classical conditioning in which the CS becomes a signal for the absence of the US
interstimulus interval
amount of time between the seat of the CS and the start of the US during a classical conditioning trial
aka CS-US interval
intertrial interval
the amount of time that elapses between 2 successive trials
the time between a stimulus (or the start of a trial) and the response that is made to the stimulus
lick suppression procedure
a procedure for testing fear conditioning in which presentation of a fear conditioned CS slows down the rate of drinking
long-delayed conditioning
conditioning procedure in which the US occurs more than several minutes after the start of the CS, as in taste aversion learning
magnitude of the response
a measure of the size, visor, or extent of a response
object learning
learning associations between different stimulus features of an object, such as what it looks like how it tastes
probability of a response
the likelihood of making the response, usually represented in terms of the percentage of trials on which the response occurs
increased responding that may occur to a stimulus whose presentations are intermixed with presentations of a US in the absence of the establishment of an association between the stimulus and the US
random control procedure
a procedure in which the CS and US are presented at random times with respect to each other
retardation of acquisition test
a test procedure that identifies a stimulus as a conditioned inhibitor if that stimulus is slower to acquire excitatory properties than a comparison stimulus
short-delayed conditioning
a classical conditioning procedure in which the CS is initiated shortly before the US on each conditioning trial
sign tracking
movement toward and possibly contact with a stimulus that signals the availability of a positive reinforcer, such as food.
Simultaneous conditioning
a classical conditioning procedure in which the CS and the US are presented at the same time on each conditioning trial
summation test
aka compound stimulus test
temporal coding hypothesis
the idea that Pavlovian conditioning procedures lead not only to learning that the US happens, but exactly when it occurs in relation to the CS.
The CS represents (or codes) the timing of the US
test trial
a trial in which the CS is presented without the US
this allows measurement of the CR in the absence of the US
trace conditioning
a classical conditioning procedure in which the US is presented after the CS has been terminated for a short period
trace interval
the interval between the end of the CS and the start of the US in trace-conditioning trails
a response that occurs to a stimulus without the necessity of prior training
a stimulus that elicits a particular response without the necessity of prior training
is there a limit to conditioning?
it’s easier to conditioning some things though
and the ease of conditioning depends on a lot
Conditioning depends on…
- prior experience with each stimulus
- how relevant the CS and the US are to each other
- Presence of other stimuli during conditioning trial
- contingency of CS-US pairing