Chapter 5-Integumentary System Flashcards
3 layers of the skin
Function of Skin
- regulate body temp
- manufacture vitamin d
- nerve receptors
- protect against uv radiation
Epidermis is….?
the outermost covering
Dermis is a…?
connective tissue
waterproof layer
merkel cells
sensory receptor for touch
protector from UV rays
-makes protein melanin
langerhans cells
defend against microorganisms
Epidermal Layer
-Stratum Germinativum
where cells are dividing
Epidermal Layer
-stratum spinosum
cells binding
Epidermal Layer
-stratum granulosum
cells begin to die
Epidermal Layer
-stratum lucidum
thick skin
- found at heel of feet and palms
Epidermal Layer
-stratum corneum
surface layer
Dermis / Corium
- thicker, inner layer of the skin
- many nerve receptors
- blood vessels + heat regulation
Subcutaneous Layer/ Hypodermis
lies under dermis
Appendages Hair
- Rooft shaft
underneath skin
Appendages Hair
-hair follicle
route is embedded