Chapter 5: Identifying Good Measures Flashcards
Conceptual Definition
Also known as a construct, researchers definition of a variable at the theoretical level
Three types of Measures to Operationalize Variables
Self Report Measure, Observational Measure, and Physiological Measure
Self Report Measure
People answer questions about themselves in questionnaires or interviews to measure a variable
Observational Measure
Measures a variable by recording the observations of behaviors or physical traces of behaviors. Also known as a behavioral measure
Physiological Measure
Measuring a variable using biological data.
Categorical Variable
Also known as the nominal variable, this variable has levels as categories. i.e men vs women
Quantitative Variable
Also known as a continuous variable, this variable has values that are recorded as meaningful numbers
Three Types of Quantitative Variables
Ordinal Scale, Interval Scale, Ratio Scale
Ordinal Scale
A measurement scale whose levels are ranked in an order.
The distance between levels is not equal
Interval Scale
Measurement scale with no true zero and numerals represent an equal distance between levels
Ration Scale
Measurement scale where there are even intervals and a true zero that represents “none”
Consistency of the results of a measure
appropriateness of a conclusion or decision
Three Types of Reliability Measurement
Test-Retest Reliability, Interrater Reliability, Internal Reliability
Test-ReTest Reliability
Consistency in results every time a measure is used, someone will get the same results every time they take this test.
Interrater Reliability
No matter who does the test, the results/ scores are consistent
Internal Reliability
Participant will give a consistent pattern of answers no matter how the question is asked.
Correlation Coefficent (r)
A single number between -1.0 and 10.0 that indicates the strength and direction of an association between two variables
describes how well the data points in a scatterplot cluster are along a line of best fit (association)
Average InterItem Correlation (AIC)
A measure of internal reliability for a set of items
The mean of all possible correlation computed between each item and the others
Cronbach’s Alpha
Correlation based statistic that measures a scale’s internal reliability
Also known as the Coefficient Alpha)
Face Validity
Extent to which a measure is comnsidered to be a plausible operationalization of the questioned conceptual variable
Content Validity
Extent to which a measure captures all parts of a defined construct
Criterion Validity
Empirical form of measurement validity that establishes the extend in which a measure is associated with a behavioral outcome
Important in self reports to see if the report matches actual behavior
Known Groups Paradigm
Method for establishing Criterion Validity. Researchers test 2 or more groups who are known to differ to ensure they score differently when analyzing the variable
Convergent Validity
Empirical test on the extent of correlation between self-report and the measures of a theoretically similar construct
Discriminant Validity
Also known as divergent validity. An empirical test where the extent of a self report measure does not have a strong correlation with measures of a theoretically dissimilar construct.