Chapter 5: Flight Flashcards
formed from 3 small feathers; creates slot at wing front, forcing airflow down & reducing turbulence
caused by turbulence around the wing that disrupts the lift-producing air stream; decreases with air speed; also reduced with increased wing length
i.e. tip vortices produced during downstroke (air flowing from bottom to top of wing); reduced with flap frequency
induced drag (overcome by induced power)
*provide quick, powerful bursts
*most energy produced anaerobically
*dominate flight muscles of gallinaceous birds (e.g. grouse, fowl, quail, etc.)
white (glycolytic) fibers
High-speed wings (falcons, swifts, swallows, terns, diving ducks, and many shorebirds)
*tapered, pointed, often swept back
*tips not slotted; wings w/ high aspect ratio
*energetically expensive because the birds must flap constantly to generate enough speed to produce sufficient lift
*birds feed on wing and/or migrate long distances
*efficient lift generation has been traded for speed and control
wings shaped like airfoil, divides airflow above and below wing
flow above is constricted and so flows at higher velocity, resulting in increased dynamic pressure and decreased static pressure
b/c static pressure above wing is lower than below (doesn’t change below), upward lift force is generated
basis for lift production
formed from 3 small feathers; creates slot at wing front, forcing airflow down & reducing turbulence
white (glycolytic) fibers
*provide quick, powerful bursts
*most energy produced anaerobically
*dominate flight muscles of gallinaceous birds (e.g. grouse, fowl, quail, etc.)
*tapered, pointed, often swept back
*tips not slotted; wings w/ high aspect ratio
*energetically expensive because the birds must flap constantly to generate enough speed to produce sufficient lift
*birds feed on wing and/or migrate long distances
*efficient lift generation has been traded for speed and control
High-speed wings (falcons, swifts, swallows, terns, diving ducks, and many shorebirds)
produced to overcome drag; moves a bird forward & only produced during flapping flight
thrust (propulsion)
- fusion of lightweight bones and reinforcement with internal struts
- lightweight bill replacing heavy, bulky jaw/teeth
- keeled sternum to support large flight muscles
- dorsal and ventral ribs fully ossified to strengthen connection between backbone and sternum
- rib cage reinforced by uncinate processes
flight adaptations (x5)
length (span) / width (1.5-18)
aspect ratio
characteristic of many small birds, dabbling ducks, grouse, and quail
characteristic of albatross, alcids, loons, and diving ducks
low wing loading
high wing loading
used for down (power) stroke
used for up (recovery) stroke (12% hummingbird mass)
basis for lift production
wings shaped like airfoil, divides airflow above and below wing
flow above is constricted and so flows at higher velocity, resulting in increased dynamic pressure and decreased static pressure
b/c static pressure above wing is lower than below (doesn’t change below), upward lift force is generated
lift VS lift & thrust
inner wing VS outer wing
long narrow wings features
- produce more lift b/c of longer leading edge
- increase distance between turbulence points
form triangular system of struts resisting pressure generated during wing strokes
fused to reduce weight/add rigidity; modified to allow radical angle changes needed for takeoff, landing, and flight
Scapula, coracoid, and furcula (clavical)
forelimb; joints
dynamic pressure
the pressure of movement (you feel this when wind blows against your face)
*provide sustained power
*relay on aerobic energy (ATP production)
*e.g. sparrows and hummingbirds
red (oxidative) fibers
Hummingbirds have:
a short humerus and forearm, and an inflexible wrist joint
induced drag (overcome by induced power)
caused by turbulence around the wing that disrupts the lift-producing air stream; decreases with air speed; also reduced with increased wing length
i.e. tip vortices produced during downstroke (air flowing from bottom to top of wing); reduced with flap frequency
max range speed
travel furthest for least amount of fuel
- produce more lift b/c of longer leading edge
- increase distance between turbulence points
long narrow wings features
determines amount of lift produced
greater angle=more lift to certain point
angle of attack
profile drag (overcome with profile power)
caused by friction between the air and the bird’s body; overcome by long narrow wings; increases with air speed
*occurs on columns of rising air that result from the differential heating of land surfaces
*used to hunt for food or travel cross country, jumping from thermal to thermal
static soaring: thermal soaring
static pressure
the force produced by random motion of molecules in all directions (this is what you feel when you squeeze a balloon)
low wing loading
high wing loading
characteristic of many small birds, dabbling ducks, grouse, and quail
characteristic of albatross, alcids, loons, and diving ducks
*broad with prominant slotting
*intermediate aspect ratio (eliptical vs high-speed)
*engage in static soaring w/ rising air masses
*reduced wing loading for carrying prey
*allow for slow flight speed so bird can turn tight spirals
slotted high-lift wings (soaring birds)
minimum power speed
flight cost=lowest
used by birds with high aspect ratio; dependent on wing speed being slower near water than higher up (birds swerve back and forth perpendicular to wind)
dynamic soaring
wing loading
- myotic nigricans
- molassus sinaloae
- ruby-throated hummingbird
- canada goose
*ratio of weight carried per unit area of wing (g/cm2)
*wing area must increase 1.5 x’s for each unit increase in mass
- .062
- .179
- .242
- 2.007
*help control airflow over wing so some lift can be maintained at slow speeds and high angles of attack
*reduces tip vortices and induced drag
- airstream
- angle of attack
- leading edge
- lift
- resultant force
- drag
- trailing edge
- chord
slotted high-lift wings (soaring birds)
*broad with prominant slotting
*intermediate aspect ratio (eliptical vs high-speed)
*engage in static soaring w/ rising air masses
*reduced wing loading for carrying prey
*allow for slow flight speed so bird can turn tight spirals
*traded the aerodynamic advantages of long wings for the maneuverability of short broad wings
*increased turbulence created by the broad tips is somewhat reduced by slotting
*produces less lift, but reduces wing loading, resulting in slower flight
*Birds with this wing shape often live in thick vegetation (Forest hawks (e.g. Sharp-shinned) have broader wings than their open-country counterparts)
elliptical wings (songbirds, crows, grouse, and quail)
static soaring: slope soaring
*occurs when wind is deflected upward by a hill or ridge
*often results in concentrations of migrating hawks in areas where this phenomena is common
red (oxidative) fibers
*provide sustained power
*relay on aerobic energy (ATP production)
*e.g. sparrows and hummingbirds
angle of attack
determines amount of lift produced
greater angle=more lift to certain point
the pressure of movement (you feel this when wind blows against your face)
dynamic pressure
elliptical wings (songbirds, crows, grouse, and quail)
*traded the aerodynamic advantages of long wings for the maneuverability of short broad wings
*increased turbulence created by the broad tips is somewhat reduced by slotting
*produces less lift, but reduces wing loading, resulting in slower flight
*Birds with this wing shape often live in thick vegetation (Forest hawks (e.g. Sharp-shinned) have broader wings than their open-country counterparts)
dynamic soaring
used by birds with high aspect ratio; dependent on wing speed being slower near water than higher up (birds swerve back and forth perpendicular to wind)
the force produced by random motion of molecules in all directions (this is what you feel when you squeeze a balloon)
static pressure
static soaring: thermal soaring
*occurs on columns of rising air that result from the differential heating of land surfaces
*used to hunt for food or travel cross country, jumping from thermal to thermal
any force reducing lift
states that static and dynamic pressure must always add up to a constant (i.e. when one increases the other must decrease)
Bernoulli’s law
any force reducing lift
*occurs when wind is deflected upward by a hill or ridge
*often results in concentrations of migrating hawks in areas where this phenomena is common
static soaring: slope soaring
flight adaptations (x5)
- fusion of lightweight bones and reinforcement with internal struts
- lightweight bill replacing heavy, bulky jaw/teeth
- keeled sternum to support large flight muscles
- dorsal and ventral ribs fully ossified to strengthen connection between backbone and sternum
- rib cage reinforced by uncinate processes
aspect ratio
length (span) / width (1.5-18)
used for down (power) stroke
used for up (recovery) stroke (12% hummingbird mass)
travel furthest for least amount of fuel
max range speed
a short humerus and forearm, and an inflexible wrist joint
Hummingbirds have:
flight cost=lowest
minimum power speed
*ratio of weight carried per unit area of wing (g/cm2)
*wing area must increase 1.5 x’s for each unit increase in mass
- .062
- .179
- .242
- 2.007
wing loading
- myotic nigricans
- molassus sinaloae
- ruby-throated hummingbird
- canada goose
inner wing VS outer wing
lift VS lift & thrust
*help control airflow over wing so some lift can be maintained at slow speeds and high angles of attack
*reduces tip vortices and induced drag
Bernoulli’s law
states that static and dynamic pressure must always add up to a constant (i.e. when one increases the other must decrease)
Scapula, coracoid, and furcula (clavical)
forelimb; joints
form triangular system of struts resisting pressure generated during wing strokes
fused to reduce weight/add rigidity; modified to allow radical angle changes needed for takeoff, landing, and flight
caused by friction between the air and the bird’s body; overcome by long narrow wings; increases with air speed
profile drag (overcome with profile power)
thrust (propulsion)
produced to overcome drag; moves a bird forward & only produced during flapping flight
- humerus
- supracoracoideus tendon
- scapula
- foramen triosseum
- supracoracoideus muscle
- pectoralis muscle
- sternum
- coracoid